04 July 2011 11:37 The secrets of June 22: how German, England, France and Poland were sharing the Europe… Chapter II Карновский Юрий Зиновьевич 3820 2
04 July 2011 11:46 The secrets of June 22: how Britain and Germany agreed to attack the USSR … Chapter III Карновский Юрий Зиновьевич 3963 1
26 March 2012 11:45 The secrets of June 22: As the West cherished fascist Germany and simultaneously was going to bomb the USSR. Chapter VIII Карновский Юрий Зиновьевич 3013 6
04 July 2011 12:02 The secrets of June 22: and how the Lithuanian troops ensured the success of the “Center” Army group... Chapter IV Карновский Юрий Зиновьевич 3017 1
30 November 2011 01:00 The secrets of June 22: air barrage detachments of Stalin. Chapter VII Карновский Юрий Зиновьевич 3301 0
27 September 2012 01:00 The science has died as occupation for “making” of great discoveries... Nezavisimaya gazeta 998 1
30 October 2011 14:05 The Russophobes-svidomits demand “positive discrimination” of the Russian culture in Ukraine Михаил Михайлов 3718 5
10 October 2012 19:47 The Russians in Lithuania: crisis in EU forces to forget the national distinctions Mikhail Mikhaylov 2382 0
05 October 2012 19:04 The Russians in Kyrgyzstan suggest to develop the Kirghiz language Vladimir Kuzmenkin 1071 0
09 September 2011 01:00 The Russian-Ukrainian cooperation: the conflicts of business interests or new ways of development? Михаил Михайлов 936 0