30 October 2012 20:59 Sergey Kuzin. Russia and the West – distinction of strategy of influence on elections and situation in Ukraine. Worldandwe.tv 2536 0
31 October 2012 20:25 Vladimir Skachko: Russia-West: for whom elections in Ukraine are more significant from the geopolitical interests? Worldandwe.tv 2771 1
01 November 2012 16:34 Vladimir Voronin: “We don't trust in the European Union any more...” Vladimir Kuzmenkin 3430 2
09 November 2012 14:02 Andrey Safonov: “You won’t buy the enemies’ love by the heads of friends!” Vladimir Kuzmenkin 773 0
09 November 2012 19:27 View from Canada: Russia has two troubles – pseudo-elite and pseudo-intellectuals Argyl Terner 3336 2
11 November 2012 22:38 Secrets of June 22: the lie about barrier troops, SMERSH and NKVD. Chapter X Anatoly Gusev 3673 0
12 November 2012 15:58 Nikita Mendkovich: “The Iraq scenario will be repeated in Afghanistan after 2014 year” Vladimir Kuzmenkin 3958 1