03 June 2011 12:28 Neo-Nazism in the territory of post-USSR and the European “political correctness” Александр Риман, Сдерот 3897 0
25 December 2013 17:38 New round of “Maidan” is the provocation of traitors in the Party of Regions Mikhail Mikhaylov 1099 0
06 August 2012 22:44 New scandal with the Russian language in Kiev: the one-party members of Tabachnik don't react... Yury Karnovsky 2959 4
12 October 2012 14:24 Newspaper “Los Angeles Times”: The USA turns the whole world into a concentration camp by means of drones Los Angeles Times, Jennifer Gibson 1034 0
17 February 2014 21:10 Nicolas Werth: “The history still plays the big role!” Vladimir Kuzmenkin 3681 0
21 May 2012 13:25 Nikas Safronov: “We were and should be the most cultural country!” Vladimir Kuzmenkin 3174 4
12 November 2012 15:58 Nikita Mendkovich: “The Iraq scenario will be repeated in Afghanistan after 2014 year” Vladimir Kuzmenkin 4010 1