20 September 2013 01:00 Okilhon Ibragimov: “It is important that constantly there would be a dialogue of cultures!” Vladimir Kuzmenkin 1401 0
22 August 2013 17:12 Nuclear bomb of the USA of the slowed-down action in Japan Argyl Terner, Canada 1608 2
08 February 2011 01:00 Novosibirsk: the Uzbeks do not trust their anti-Russian textbooks Карновский Юрий Зиновьевич 1134 1
09 September 2014 15:28 Novorossiya celebrates liberation from Kiev junta! Stepan Bulbenko, Donetsk-Lugansk-Kharkov 4246 2
25 July 2012 17:57 Not to allow the Russians to the Russian language! Nationalists continue to behave violently Stepan Bulbenko 3182 2
09 April 2015 02:06 Not to allow impostors of every kind to forge the history! Vladimir Kuzmenkin 630 0
14 June 2013 01:00 Not all in Georgia understand why its military men should be at war in Afghanistan! Vladimir Kuzmenkin 2729 0