28 November 2013 22:45 Yury Kobaladze: the question of the Russian borders remains open Vladimir Kuzmenkin 2848 2
30 April 2014 01:00 Yury Apukhtin, the coordinator of the movement “Southeast” is arrested on April 30 in Kharkov Mikhail Duda 656 2
24 April 2014 01:00 Yury Apukhtin tells about a situation in the Southeast of Ukraine Mikhail Duda 2904 0
03 June 2011 12:46 Yanukovich will be “trampled down” by the Western Ukraine as soon as possible. Михаил Михайлов 4824 1
26 May 2020 10:51 World sport is no longer a sport, but a criminal business. Marc Bouvier, Docteur en sciences économiques 2497 0
01 September 2020 08:05 Winston Churchill: «It would be a mistake to believe that Japans fate was decided by the atomic bomb" John C. Williams 2569 0
30 April 2020 14:37 Winston Churchill is gulity of thousands of deaths in The Battle of Britain John C. Williams 2116 1
16 February 2011 14:40 Why the whole world should pay for nazism revival to the Baltic States? Карновский Юрий Зиновьевич 3651 0