29 May 2012 23:10 “Democratic” self-supporting war is the main mean of the USA in fight for the world resources Mikhail Mikhaylov 1354 1
28 May 2012 23:10 Toktogul Kakchekeev: “It is necessary to remember always about a precept of our ancestors!” Vladimir Kuzmenkin 729 2
24 May 2012 15:35 The western scientists sharply condemned the OUN and UPA glorification in Ukraine "VZGLYAD" 2928 3
24 May 2012 13:55 Ukraine – Moldova: would they have to climb through a paling? Vladimir Ivanovich Kuzmenkin 903 2
23 May 2012 16:21 Was the general Dumbadze killed by order of Saakashvili by means of the CIA? Irakly Gogoberidze 3266 2
22 May 2012 18:24 Is Mustafa Shokay the fighter for freedom or the helper of fascists? Vladimir Kuzmenkin 5396 2
21 May 2012 17:15 The voice against falsification of the history of the Second World War is loudly raised in Moldova! Vladimir Kuzmenkin 913 3
21 May 2012 13:25 Nikas Safronov: “We were and should be the most cultural country!” Vladimir Kuzmenkin 3102 4