17 April 2012 10:22 Ukraine plans to become shale “superpower” in 20 years and for other people's money. Mikhail Mikhaylov 857 0
17 April 2012 01:00 Saakashvili has received a melon from the Senate of the USA. Also he should to think... Ираклий Гогоберидзе 2930 4
14 April 2012 01:00 About the neo-Nazi diarrhea in the countries of the Baltic States or as the USA raise the fascism again albor 3258 1
13 April 2012 17:59 Zurab Tsereteli – “The world and we”: “To destroy the monuments to soldiers of the Great Patriotic War is a terrible sin!” Владимир Кузменкин 3062 6
09 April 2012 01:00 Bishkek-2012: they aren't at war with monuments here (Photos)! Vladimir Kuzmenkin 2110 0
05 April 2012 01:00 The Cossacks should become the basis for integration of the Slavic states. Михаил Михайлов 4333 5
04 April 2012 01:00 Parliamentary elections in Abkhazia: parties and their possibilities Спартак Жидков 525 2