Hitler was brought to the authority by the USA and England!
Nikolay Starikov is one of the famous Russian authors that write about the Russian history, and they strictly trace its impact on the politics. The book circulation of this author from St. Petersburg increase all the time. And it’s not surprising – their names talk for itself: “Who killed the Russian empire? The main secret of XX century”, “Myths and truth of the civil war. Who killed Russia?”, “The betrayed Russia. Myths and truth about our “allies”, “Who finances the Russian collapse? From Decembrists to Mujahedeens”, “Who forced Hitler attack Stalin?”, “Seek oil. Why is our stabilization fund there?” “Crisi$: how it’s made”, “War is the rescue of dollar”, “The nationalization of ruble is the path to the freedom of Russia.”
During the meeting with the readers, Nikolay Starikov tells not only as to his creative plans, but he also talks about the things that worry him – about the fate of Russia.
About our history…
I have formulated my genre as follows: the one is geopolitical detective. It is the alloy of history, economics and politics. But the aim of my books – is not to help to spend theleisure on the beach and not to do a bit of attempts to find out who is the murderer, as it is in the detectives of Agate Kristy… First of all I see my task to share my thoughts and knowledge. And it should be made it that way which will impel you to notice the questions that I put on.
Somebody startsto check my affirmations, as they are very often do not coincide with the ones that you hear from other sources, to analyze the happening, and happened and that will happen…Thus he changes from the observer to the true participant in this extremely breath-taking performance that is going on our planet for few thousand years called “politics”.
And we are all involved in this performance. May be we are not the really actors in it, but the results of politicians activities undoubtedly have impact on each of us.If we understand, what they are doing, then we – I believe- will be able to help them and the most important – we will try to elude from being manipulated.
Most of the people dislike politics, they do not interested in it, because they feel fool about themselves. Because they do not understand the actions of politicians. And when the man does not understand something – he loses interest in it. And without the history studying, the movement in the future, in my opinion, is impossible!
There are references in my books as to the most important themes, documents and facts. In such book, for example, like “Why did Hitler attack Stalin?”, when we tell about the Second World War, the each confirmation should be confirmed with the reference to the serious literature.
I assure you that there are no any fake references there. Many persons have checked, but nobody has come and said: over here.Nikolai, you made something up… I write my books on pretty serious topics and believe that if I let myself to lie over something even once, it will put under the question everything that I wrote.
The book writing is very hard. I’ve announced that I will write bookabout June 22.And I will write itif my health allows me. But during the working process I have understood that there are a lot of things that must be uttered with the reader beforehand. This is how the two-volume bookturnsinto the three-volume book…
I sat to write a book about June 22, and it turn out to be thebook about how Hitler came into the power.This book can be described otherwise “in two words”: Hitler was brought to the authority by the Great-Britain and USA.These that have read this book, had to agree with me on the thesis that Hitler was brought to the authority, he was in touch with the Britain intelligence. It is where we push off and start to move towards June 22. Otherwise the actions of Hitler are absolutely incomprehensible.
It is impossible to understand the reason why heattacks the Soviet Union without understanding that London was pushing him towards it all the time. The book about the 22 June – is the main book that I have to do. I know the reason why it has happened. I know how and whathas happened… The only thing remained for me to do - to tell it in such way that you would agree with me, so it would be impossible to disagree! Because I’m fed to the teeth about these shrieks that the Soviet Union had intention to attack someone and etc. That is all lie!
Some ones write that the Soviet Union had to come into alliance with both Hitler and Mussolini.But fighting on their side would be useless for us by the same way, as it is very naive to think that Hitler would be warm and fuzzyand he would fulfill his promises.The task - be always away from the conflict.We have a lot of lands. What the Soviet Union would gain from the participating in the Second World War? Everything that was needed, he has already received… Balticstates, Western Ukraine and Byelorussia … They only tried to get Finlandback but without any success. Why should we fight to lay 27 millions of people?
The war began in 1939, not in 1941. Nobody wanted to be friends with us then.With the Japan at that time, when we signed the pact Molotov – Ribbentrop, we were at war. How we would get in to the “steel pact”, where there were Germany, Japan and Italy already? How to be in friendship with Japan that attacked us?! From here our task was – and Stalin wanted that namely – to be aside. He was giving resources to Hitler, to pull chestnuts out of the fire for somebody, i.e. he did the same that Anglo-Saxons used to do. The ones were fighting using other forces. He tried to play the role of USA: you are fighting, I will come at the end of the war and will dictate you the conditions…Everything was going in such way, but at the last moment Anglo-Saxons urged Hitler, to fulfill a long time agoobligations, and to attack the Soviet Union. And it all ended up for Germany by the separation in two parts for decades, the one was blended with the ground and turned into ruins…
It is interesting to me – and I start to write. Notably sometimes I don’t know what this book will be about. In this world everything is aligned against each other with defined logics.For example, when I understood that Hitler was cooperating with the English intelligence, he was brought to the authority and the one hereafter was in the contact with the Anglo-Saxons, the idea crossed over: Was it only Hitler?! It was interesting to me to find out how Benito Mussolini has received the authority. And as soon as I have dipped into all it, the doubts left me…
If you can’t say for sure about Hitler that he took the money from the British intelligence, then as to Benito Mussolini it could say that he was a paid agent of this intelligence hundred percent. They will say: how come? He was fighting against England after all! But when I finished this chapter, on the BBC website – which is the official mass media of the Great-Britain –information has shown up that Benito Mussolini was receiving money from Englishintelligence. Any honest researcher in Great-Britain found in the archive some paper and had published it. But, you do understand that there are not ex-agents!
And if he took it in 1917, then he is in contact with them, he is on the hook. And I came to the conclusionthat Mussolini didn’t came to the authority – they did it so that he would carry out needed them politics.And he was doing it without a doubt! He was guaranteed with immunity, no matter what he was doing – just like immunity is guaranteed for Berezovsky and Zakaev.
… and about politics
One of the main problems of Russia – it is impossibility of elite reproduction, as it is done in the Anglo-Saxon countries.The Imperial elite were eliminated during the revolution, the soviet elite – was partly eliminated after the Stalin’s death, and further at the time of the rearrangement the elite was changed also: somebody suddenly jumped from its balcony; the ones were put in jail, somebodyleft country…
The knowledge of these people is being lost! And we are starting each time as if from a blank page. It is just like the construction of our fleet.The Bolsheviks destroyed the fleet and during the times of rearrangement they lost it. One of our future aircraft carriers was sold as metal scrap in India, but Indians turn out to be not that kind of bone-heads – they didn’t remelt it to do the cooking pots. And today we modernize it for them….
During the century our country begins from the same place again three times.If we lose the track and do notunderstand who and by which means has brought Russia to chaos,
Anarchy and ugliness, then, unfortunately history can repeat itself.
The difficult situation is in the USA.They built specific financial world, and they built another world in the minds of their people. In the heads of western people there is a strict postulate: theylive well and further they have to live better…Because they have democracy, a lot of parties and etc… They don’t understand that their prosperity has nothing to do with the political system. The name of the game is unchecked money printing.
But if these people find them self even for a moment in the real world, when there is no food in the supermarkets, it will be the end of the western civilization. Why it will? Because the one is based on the manipulation with the own people first of all. That means it is impossible to let it happen!
The high standard of living – is the “sacred cow” for both USA and the West. The lowering of this level is unacceptable, but you know, the smooth lowering tendency is ongoing and will be going on. What do I mean? For example, the pension age is being raised everywhere, but I didn’t hear about it in the 80-s…The Soviet blockhas broken up, but they kept on holding the living standard artificially, just like a showcase for us. If you wish to live like we do, please, decline the communism! I.e. – within brackets – from army – allies, from territories, from our history among other things…
And now the reduction of this level begins, but we have to specify the reasons.And they are found: crisis, demographic problems, terror actions...They will invent something more. They always need some kind of made-up horrors: everything is based on fear!
But they require also and the second direction: big projects that would connect big amount of money that they have issued. You can observe one of these projects in action: Asteroids flies towards the Earth, and it is very dangerous! That means that these asteroids should be shut down, so we should build immediately anti-asteroid protection.Plump there billions, trillions – and it will be good! The main thing is to keep the unsecured dollars away from the market. Each printed dollars should be bound. And they have to stimulate this machine all the time.
Viewed : 345 Commented: 1
Author: Владимир Кузменкин
Publication date : 25 June 2011 11:10
Source: The world and we
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service