Poland condemned OUN-UPA. And what about Little Russia?
The Seym of Poland told the word about condemnation of genocide of the Poles by OUN-UPA divisions. It adopted the resolution to the 70 anniversary of the Volyn slaughter the result of which became the mass destruction of the Polish population. It is called as “ethnic cleaning with genocide signs” and responsibility for destruction of Poles lies on OUN/UIA (Organization of the Ukrainian Nationalists / Ukrainian Insurgent Army). But Sloboda and Little Russia didn't tell the word as a whole.
About hundred thousand of the Poles became the victims of Banderovites as it is approved in the resolution.
Confident in the impunity, the fascist aggressors and their helpers from terrorist structures (Waffen -SS, police divisions, Nationalist pro-German paramilitary structures) not especially hid the traces of the crimes. Moreover, they were proud of them. And nowadays they try to construct the “new Ukrainian” state mythology on their bloody experience. Fair, weighed (though excessively soft in our opinion) resolution of Seym has to become a cold shower for “hotheads” from among the Ukrainian Nazis and citizens sympathizing them. Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten. Also it isn't forgiven.
Edition “Russian World. Ukraine” continues to publish the materials about activity of so-called OUN-UPA in the 40-50th of last century.
According to the order of the Central wire of OUN – the division of UPA carried out a large-scale action of destruction of the Poles living in the Western Ukraine in 1943-1944. Banderovites exterminated the Poles by the whole families and even villages. The order from above was the basis, being coordinated with the instruction of the Hitlerite plan “OST” concerning eradication of Poles, as well as other Slavic ethnoses disturbing to establishment of “new order” in Europe. It is very told in details in the book of the Canadian researcher Victor Polishchuk “Bitter truth. Criminality of OUN-UPA”.
In the middle of September, 1943, the gangs of UPA killed about 3 thousand inhabitants of the Polish nationality in Horokhivskyi and former Senkivicheskyi districts of the Volyn Oblast. It is characteristic that one of groups of UPA was headed by the priest of the autocephalous church who was in OUN giving absolution to the flock for made crimes. [Archive of the Management of KGB of USSR on the Volyn Oblast, criminally investigative cases of Il’yushin and Pavlovich].
Yanova Dolina's tragedy fully opened the artful policy of Germans of rather Polish population on Volyn. It became obvious that Banderovites held the anti-Polish actions from a permission and a consent of the Germans. Here the words found a practical embodiment proclaimed in 1943 by Reichskommissar of Ukraine Erich Koch on one of meetings with the subordinates in Rovno city: “I want that the Pole killed the Ukrainian at a meeting and, on the contrary, that the Ukrainian killed the Pole. If he shoot the Jew, so it will be that is required to us...”.
During Bandera actions 399 Polish villages on Volyn, 218 in Rovno (in northern part of the Rovno Oblast - 25 villages), in Ternopol only in February, 1945 50 villages were destroyed (fully or partly). [V.I. Maslovsky “With whom and against whom the Ukrainian nationalists were at war1999 in the years of World War II, Moscow, 1999]
According to incomplete data, since September, 1943 till December, 1954 in the territory of Volyn 8281 persons from them 5099 men, 2127 women and 1055 children were lost from hands of bandits from UPA and OUN groups in 746 settlements of oblast. From them directly 514 people died in fights and the others were killed artfully. Besides, 640 people got wounds.
The picture looks as follows in districts:
1. Volodymyr-Volynskyi (together with the city) - 2432.
2. Horokhivskyi - 7403.
3. Ivanychivskyi - 3714.
4. Kamin-Kashyrskyi - 8695.
5. Kivertsivskyi - 7996.
6. Kovelskyi (together with the city) - 6227.
7. Lokachynskyi - 2008.
8. Lutskyi (together with the city) - 7519.
9. Lyubeshivskyi - 53410.
10. Lyubomlskyi - 44611.
11. Manevytskyi - 108812.
12. Ratnivskyi - 33213.
13. Rozhyshchenskyi - 21714.
14. Starovyzhivskyi - 59815.
15. Turiyskyi - 38516.
16. Shatskyi– 86
For the period from 1944 to 1954 only in the territory of Volyn the OUN gangs made more than 3200 criminal manifestations at which more than 8000 Soviet citizens were killed, hundreds rural houses, a lot of schools, clubs, premises of the Village Councils, economic premises of collective farms were burned.
Many Ukrainian authors consider the mass transition of the Ukrainian police serving under the German beginning in UPA groups as one of the reasons of the Volyn tragedy. So I.Il’yushin writes about it: “These actions became mass in connection with transition about five thousand armed Ukrainian policemen in UPA in March, 1943 who still were on the German service”.
According to incomplete data, in days of the Great Patriotic War, OUN-UPA killed in the various ways 1, 5 million of Jews, over 1 million of Ukrainians and about 500 thousand Poles [V. Shevchuk “Policy and time”, 1991. No. 11, page 83]
The Lvov researcher S. Yevseyev notes by the work “WHO is GUILTY? (The VOLYN TRAGEDY of 1943)”: “In the summer of 1943 UPA destroyed from 60 to 160 thousand peace Polish population in Volyn. If to take into account that the Polish population of Volyn at that time made from 200 to 400 thousand people according to different data that almost each second Pole was lost”.
As I.Il’yushin (“Postup” No. 98 of June 14-15, 2003) notes: “Events in Volyn of 1943-1944 were a component of the general international Ukrainian-Polish conflict which happened during World War II in the territory of the general accommodation of Ukrainians and Poles (Volyn, East Galicia, Podlyashye, Nadsyanne, Lemkovshchina).
And really in the spring of 1944 the similar genocide was tested by the Polish population of Galicia as professor V. I.Maslovsky reports, even more Poles than on Volyn - 140 - 150 thousand people were lost from the hands of UPA. In the sum it makes 200-310 thousand people.
After 1989 “The institute of national memory” was formed, a research institution in which the events on Volyn and Galicia were studied along with crimes of fascists, the Katyn tragedy, etc. It is possible to consider the two-volume as the most detailed research. Vladislav and Eva Semashko's 1400 page work “Manslaughter made by the Ukrainian nationalists of Poles on Volyn in 1939-1945”.
Data on all villages and regions by name are provided in it. Let's give some facts from above mentioned book: “UPA killed 138 people from them 63 children in Kuty village, 439 people from them 141 children in Ostruvka village, 529 people from them 220 children in the village Volya Ostrovetska, 240 people from them 50 children in the village Chmykiv, 79 people from them 18 children in the village Yankovichi”. Also it is the data on the crimes, made by UPA within one day!
It is necessary to carry E.Prus to the most radical authors. G. Motika in interview to the Postup newspaper No. 74 of May 13, 2003 speaks about it so: “As for the events in Volyn though among the Polish historians there are certain groups of persons who differently look at these or those things, practically all agree rather with the main moments that in 1943 on Volyn it reached to massacre of Poles and that it was done by the Ukrainian Insurgent Army by order UPA management in Volyn".
The Lvov historian V. Ivasyuta investigating the crimes of Banderovites, writes that 685 thousand Poles and Jews were lost from their hands. A bit later M. Varvartsev and O. Dbretsova called a bit different figure of 800 thousand people, as well as in the first case, it was a question of Poles and Jews together.
The Polish Association of victims’ memory of OUN addressed to president Yushchenko with the requirement of prevention of giving of the status of the participant of operations against fascists to OUN-UPA. “OUN-UPA destroyed about 200 000 Poles, about 40 thousand Ukrainians and a lot of thousand Jews”.
The prosecutor's office of Poland unambiguously confirmed that the Ukrainian nationalists from OUN-UPA carried out destruction of people in 1939-1947. Documents confirm that the villains of OUN-UPA very closely cooperated with Hitlerite fascism and its paramilitary groups”, the President of Association Stefan Sikerko concludes.
V. P. Polishchuk reminds that not less than 120 000 Polish population were lost from OUN-UPA-SS hands by martyr death and therefore OUN-UPA activity (and Security Service) can't be indifferent for the Polish state. In 2003 he published in the Polish and Ukrainian languages the list more than 5000 Ukrainian victims of Banderovites, the geography of these murders allows to draw a conclusion that in 1941-1950 not less than 80 thousand Ukrainian civilian population were lost from hands of structures of OUN of Bandera by martyr death.
By order of the commander of UPA Roman Shukhevich “Chuprinka”, SS-Hauptsturmfuhrer, the agent of an Abwehr “Zenon”, about 250 thousand of Poles were tortured by the groups and fighters subordinated to him only from fall of 1943 to spring of 1944 in Volyn and Galicia [Tovarishch, 1996, No. 42 (212), October. Tovarishch, 1994, No. 20 (85), May;V. Mikolaychuk, Zhitomir, 1998, No. 7-8, February. Communist, 1997, No. 21 (166), May].
In the first columns of Nazi army the battalion “Nachtigal” moved. On June 30, 1941 the members of Nachtigal rushed into Lvov city and made bloody massacre over his inhabitants there. They “took long daggers in teeth, rolled up sleeves of soldier's blouses, holding the weapon ready. Their look was disgusting when they rushed to the city... As if crazy, loudly whooping, furiously, with stared eyes rushed the Ukrainians on streets of Lvov. Everyone who fell them into hands, was cruelly executed [by Brockdorf W. Geheimkommandos des Zweiten Weltkrieges. Munchen, 1967, – S. 126-127 . ]
Nobody will determine exact number of victims of OUN-UPA, it is possible to speak only about calculations.
Authors of “Way in anywhere”, write: It is impossible to define today, at least approximately, the number of the Poles who have fallen a victim of the Ukrainian nationalists in 1943-1944... In Volyn the losses in the Polish population estimated at 15 thousand. On February 10, 1944, V. Studnitsky, having interviewing the German power in Lvov, called figure of 200 thousand Poles killed by Ukrainian nationalists, on what the chief of the German police in Lvov answered that at most 100 thousand were killed. It is possible to assume that in the territory of Polesye, Volyn, Holmshchina and Zasannya 60-80 thousand of Poles were killed. [A. Szczesniak, W. Szota; “Droga do nikad”, Warszawa, 1973, p. 169, 170]
Other author, Ryshard Tozhetsky, referring to conversation of V. Studnitsky, gives the same figures too - 200 thousand according to Studnitsky and 100 thousand according to the statement assessment of the chief of the Lvov German police, but gives other information too which concerns Galicia: data from the district Lvov specify that the number of victims only in several districts of East Galicia to a half of 1944 reaches 70 thousand people. [Ryszard Torzecki: “Kwestia ukrainska w polityce III Rzeszy 1933-1945”, Warszawa, 1972, p.330]
During V. Studnitsky's conversation with the police chief in Lvov, there was a governor of Galicia Otto Wachter who estimated the number of victims of OUN-UPA in Galicia in 40.000. [Edward Prus: “Herosi spod znaku tryzuba”, Warszawa, 1985, p. 248]
Kazimezh Podlyasky, referring as he writes, on the impartial researcher, not “Ukrainephobe”, writes that the Polish sources “speak about 100 thousand people” of OUN-UPA victims [“Anew”, No. 4/1986, p. 44]. It is necessary to emphasize that the authors refer to the document from the Polish archives. It is necessary to remember that these calculations don't cover Galicia. The full size of crimes of the Ukrainian nationalists in Volyn by estimates concerns 2.000 districts in which the acts of people murder were made. They entailed the death of 60-70 thousand victims that makes about 20% of the Polish population of Volyn of that time. In division into districts it gives such approximate image:
- Dubensky district of 6.800 killed
- Horokhivskyi district of 4.200 killed
- Kostopolskyi district.... 7.000 killed
- Kovelskyi district of 7.300 killed
- Kremenetskyi district of 5.100 killed
- Lyubomlskyi district of 1.900 killed
- Lutsk district of 11.300 killed
- Rovno district of 7.400 killed
- Sarnenskyi district of 6.100 killed
- Vladimir district . . . 8.000 killed
- Zdolbunovskyi district.... 3.600 killed
The most bloody months was July 1943 in which about 20.000 Poles were lost, including only more than 12 thousand people on July 11 and 12 were killed. Jozef Turowski і Wladyslaw Siemiaszko: “Zbrodnie nacjonalistow ukrainskich dokonane na ludnosci polskiej na Woiyniu 1939-1945", Warszawa, 1990, stor. 158.
The former member of OUN and the agent of the American investigation Yury Stefyuk reported in due time: “OUN conductor in the promotion constantly claims that the armed groups of UPA conducted the armed fight against the Germans that this fight was begun and continued by the Conductor. It is the lie... According to the order of OUN management we bypassed the Germans, and the German command, having the arrangement with the management, gave the order to armies not to touch our armed fighting groups though very often we lodged in one village...” News from Ukraine, 1961, August, No. 69.
The last commander of UPA Vasyl Cook writes in open letter to Stetsko, Lebid, etc.: “Active cooperation of OUN with the German fascists in the Great Patriotic War and during it led to terrible ruin of our edge, to big victims which the Ukrainian people never will be able to forget”.
“Cooperation with fascist Germany on the eve of war with the USSR became even worse. All this is well known to all of you abroad and to us in Ukraine. Germans brought to Ukraine, and in general where only they passed, cruel enslavement and slavery what was known only by history. In racist arrogance and dizziness from the first successes, Hitlerite enslavers didn't spare even the former supporters and so-called allies from nationalist circles. On the example of “union” with the German fascism it is brightly visible to what terrible consequences can lead such “union”, what heavy wounds can put to the own people, being guided by foreign help, others force”.
Open letter to V. Cook, Ya. Stetsko, N.Lebid, S. Lenkavsky, D. Rebeta, I.Grynyokha and to all Ukrainians living abroad. 1960.
Vladimir Vladimirovich Kornilov is the political scientist, the director of the Ukrainian branch of Institute of CIS countries asks quite reasonable and logical question:
What relation does Lugansk have to UPA?
However the Ukrainian nationalists don't hesitate of these double standards in relation to various regions of Ukraine. They practically reduced inhabitants of the East of Ukraine to people who shouldn't have the right neither to an active living position, nor to the estimates of history. So treat the people of occupied territories.
They try to inspire us now that inhabitants of East Ukraine have no right to argue on UPA crimes. Recently on one of “round tables” certain pro-presidential “expert” was distressed concerning campaign for installation of monuments to OUN-UPA victims in Lugansk Oblast. “Well what relation does UPA have to Lugansk Oblast?, he exclaimed. Find at least one citizen of Lugansk who was lost from hands of fighters of UPA!”
These “experts”, seemingly, don't know that just the citizens of Lugansk and many other inhabitants of the East of Ukraine (on the whole — ethnic Ukrainians) are one of affected parties in war with fascist collaborators of the Western Ukraine.
And, by the way, have much more rights to installation of monuments to the victims who have fallen from hands of Banderovites than the citizens of Galicia on installation of monuments to victims of Holodomor which didn't mention the western areas of Ukraine at all (for some reason the presidential “experts” don't speak about it).
For example, I have some statements from inhabitants of the Svatovsky district of Lugansk Oblast with the request of installation monument to OUN-UPA victims. All of them are the relatives of the Soviet soldiers who were lost from hands of Banderovites. Cards of victims officially certified by military registration and enlistment offices are applied to these statements. Here are some of them:
“Kirill Ivanovich Anikeev. Svatovsky region, Oborotnovka village. Nationality-the Ukrainian. Sergeant. Was killed in battle with nationalist bands on January 2, 1947”.
“Maxim Filippovich Borzilo. Svatovsky region. Sergeant. On January 18,1946 died in fight against bands”.
“Dmitry Pavlovich Kuznetsov. Svatovo city. Nationality- the Ukrainian. Was killed by the Ukrainian nationalists in the Western Ukraine in 1947”
“Peter Grigoryevich Kirichenko. Svatovo city. Nationality-the Ukrainian. Senior lieutenant. Was killed in battle with nationalist bands on April 23, 1945”
Here it is a question only of military men. And how many natives from the East of Ukraine were lost from hands of Banderovites, who gone to restore Galicia after war — miners, teachers, nurses! I have the statement of the inhabitant of the same city Svatovo Yury Rogovsky who insists too on installation in the city of a monument to OUN-UPA victims:
“My aunt, Klavdia Stepanovna Gruzdo, the graduate of Svatovsky secondary school No. 6, after the graduating from Starobelsky teacher training college in 1948 was sent to the Western Ukraine, to Dubye's village in Lvov... She was killed in a bed by Banderovites in 1950”.
Under the evidence of Donetsk historians, only for 1946 to 6000 natives of Donets Basin were lost in the Western Ukraine from whom less than two thousand concerned to power structures.
Have so the right to consider in the east of Ukraine Banderovites as bandits? Have the relation of crime of OUN-UPA to them or not? So was a young Ukrainian teacher from Svatovo, who arrived to teach the rural kids of Galicia, “invader” on “foreign” land or after all she had the right to be considered as the inhabitant of united Ukraine?
And Sergey Fyodorovich Pankin, expert of religion, esoteric, the publicist writes: “At this conjuncture, to proclaim Bandera as the hero of all Ukraine as it was made by Yushchenko means even more to split the country. After all what the hero that Bandera for inhabitants of Kiev, Sumy, Kharkov, Donetsk, Dnepropetrovsk, Odessa, Simferopol, Sevastopol – in general for all inhabitants of the central, east and southern Ukraine? ! Here he isn't a hero, but the political criminal, worse than SS-men.
- The author of this material was born in Donetsk region where graduated from the Ukrainian national school, and perfectly remembers how in Soviet period, how Bandera and other not only Russian, but also the Ukrainian population were hated by fierce hatred, fairly believing that the Banderovite SS- Galicia division surpassed any German SS-division by the atrocities. And, this opinion about the Banderovites was developed in east Ukraine not under the influence of “Soviet promotion”, but on the basis of stories about atrocities of the Banderovites, those eyewitnesses who battled with them during the Great Patriotic War”.
And such opinion in the East, the North and the South of Ukraine is prevailing.
Thus, it becomes clear that any civilized state if it wishes to consider as that in practice, instead of in words, shouldn't deal with about the country which still erects in a rank of “heroes” of executioners, sadists and murderers. And their ideological (while the ideological!) followers even are presented in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. What is it if not neo-Nazism? And where is the glorified European democratic adherence to principles …
And in general, how to live in Ukraine to the normal person if a basis of the state ideology in it is glorification of servants of Nazis, bandits and criminals, instead of engineers, scientists and other worthy representatives of the people?
And why if the Polish Seym condemned OUN-UPA for murder of 100 thousand Poles, the power of Ukraine is silent concerning destruction by the same structures of inhabitants of Ukraine - Ukrainians, Russians and Jews? Very exemplary new member of EU in the future if that occurs, isn't it?
Viewed : 4916 Commented: 1
Author: Stepan Bulbenko
Publication date : 25 June 2013 01:00
Source: The world and we
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service