Problems with language were found out in the Moldavian “democrats”!
The parties alliance of the republic of Moldova has a beautiful name which has replaced the communists in power - the Alliance for the European Integration! As follows from the name, the parties would undertake to equip Moldova in an European way, that is, not to break the human rights in no event, and the more so the right of the people.
However, actually all turns out in a different way: the parties of the Alliance on the contrary force the conditions and shake a boat of the Moldavian statehood that is not in the best condition today. And nobody creates the problems of the present Moldavian power – it successfully makes them.
All know, why the Dnestr republic was born, but that fact is somehow forgotten that within four years in the south of Moldova there was one more unrecognized state which has declared the independence, namely Gagauz republic.
It was in 1990-1994. The region was on the verge of war too, but as a result the situation was rescued by the Russian army - all has dared peacefully and in 1994 the Moldavian parliament has passed the Law on special legal status of Gagauzia (Gagauz-Yeri), having given the right of an autonomy to region.
More than one and a half ten years has passed and suddenly the authorities of Moldova make unilaterally the decision which has disturbed all inhabitants of Gagauzia. You bet – after all the matter is about the destiny of their children, so and about the future of all people!
And an essence is in the following: this year 92 graduates of lycées of Gagauzia from 1050 haven't passed examination in the Romanian language and the literature. After consideration of the appeals submitted by them, 45 persons have repeatedly received unsatisfactory marks. The head (the autonomy head) Mikhail Formuzal has addressed to Kishinev with the request to give the chance to repeat examination, but the authorities of Moldova haven't allowed to do it. “That language is not native for our children, they study it as the foreign one. Many of them have good marks in other subjects and have already passed competitive selection for study in Russia, Turkey and other countries”, has explained the head.
Mikhail Formuzal has demanded to send the Minister of Education of Moldova to resignation as it is obviously clear that “he destroys the domestic education and destinies of pupils”.
Also what should the autonomy management do in such strange situation? To search for an exit! And it has been found: the sample of the bachelor's degree was confirmed in Gagauzia which is given out to the students who have received the bad mark for state language examination.
And the Ministry of Public Education of Moldova reacts immediately: it declared the diplomas of Gagauzia illegal. The Minister of Education Mikhail Shlyakhtitsky declares without batting an eyelid, “The Diplomas which have been given out under the decision of National meeting of Gagauzia to the graduates of local lycées are invalid and the high schools of our country won't accept them”. And further has explained: when they will repeat examination, then all will be arranged …
It will not be arranged! After all the matter is that the people who live in Gagauzia have not the Moldavian language as the native language! More than 80 percent of the population of the autonomy is the Gagauzians. It is the Turkish-speaking population, who speaks the Russian and the Gagauzian languages and professes Orthodoxy. It is interesting that the Gagauzian language remained unwritten to the middle of XX century. And only in 1957 the writing for the Gagauzian language on the basis of the Russian drawing had been entered by the decree of Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the Moldavian Soviet Socialist Republic. And now the alphabet on the basis of the Latin drawing is officially used. Office-work is in the Russian language.
The Russian language for the Gagauzians is actually a native language and training of children here is in the Russian though it is clear what displeasure feel the authorities of Moldova. Here is the statistics data: from 23293 pupils trained in 55 educational institutions of the autonomy, 22163 are trained in the Russian language. 707 pupils are trained in the Moldavian language, 423 pupils in several languages at once (including the Russian).
The “European” democrats from the Alliance, probably, should know that Gagauzia is provided the equal share of an announcement in the Russian and in two other official languages on television: Gagauzian and Moldavian.
The autonomy authorities can't be idle in the given situation. They will try to explain to official Kishinev, to what consequences can result the unreasoned decision infringing on interests of many thousands of people. We will give the official document signed by a management of parliament of the autonomy:
Dear Prime minister!
Dear Minister!
We address to you concerning the passing examinations on degree of the bachelor by the graduates of lycées of Gagauzia.
91 graduating students from 894 of passing examinations won't receive degree of the bachelor because of unsatisfactory marks on the Moldavian language and the literature and accordingly can't enter the high schools of Moldova. Thus they have good marks in other subjects.
The graduating students and their parents address daily with indignation in connection with the received marks and impossibility of the examination repeating. Our graduating students (the Gagauzians, Bulgarians and representatives of other nationalities), trained in the Russian, equate to graduating students of lycées with the Moldavian language of training and initially lay down in unequal conditions. Many inhabitants of Gagauzia express the charges in discrimination to a national sign in relation to our children. And it can destabilize a situation in region, to cause the interethnic conflict again.
We ask you to interfere urgently for the decision of this problem and by way of exception to allow to repeat the examination in the Moldavian language and the literature to graduating students of lycées from Gagauzia.
In the future, we ask to consider our problems and to develop the special program and corresponding conditions of passing an examination on the Moldavian language and the literature for the pupils with training in the Russian language.
Yours faithfully,
The chairman of the National Meeting of Gagauzia Anna Kharlamenko
The first deputy Chairman of the National Meeting of Gagauzia Demian Karaseni
The chairman of the Commission of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism Vladimir Kyssa
The chairman of the National Meeting of Gagauzia Anna Kharlamenko has acted also with “Open letter" to the same addressees.
The autonomy head Mikhail Formuzal also has publicly designated the position. He has declared that “all correspondence in bodies of the public power in autonomy territory should be in two languages”. After all in the law of languages functioning in the territory of Moldova, accepted in 1989, it is directly said that “statements of public authorities and public organizations are made and accepted in a state language with their subsequent translation into the Russian". It is clear without translation…
But not to all! And that the “European" minds of the Moldavian democrats could faster understand, the autonomy management, leaning against the law, instead of on someone's wishes, makes the decision: since August, 1 of this year all letters arriving to executive committee of Gagauzia from the central authorities of Republic of Moldova will come back to the sender without their translation into the Russian language.
Is it necessary to search for translators to Kishinev?
Viewed : 3862 Commented: 3
Author: Владимир Кузменкин
Publication date : 24 October 2011 18:22
Source: The world and we
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service