The “democratic” USA and Great Britain are the homeland of concentration camps
Who was the inventor of concentration camps? Certainly, the United States of America! When the civil war began, then the southerners, certainly, created camp for prisoners of war for education and democracy. Here it was the first-borns who allowed to bear culture and freedom in masses of … prisoners of war.
During the Civil war in the USA similar camp for prisoners of war were an experimental ground for «democratic» tortures and the bestial treatment of the people, allowing to consider them as prototypes of the latest concentration camps. So in camp under the name Andersonville created by southerners for captured soldiers of federal army, over 13 thousand captured northerners were lost for hunger and the brutal address. Not less than 300 prisoners were shot only that stepped for a drawn line. Here at whom the fascists of Germany learned to draw a line, at a spading of which they immediately killed the prisoner.
In Andersonville the prisoners were tortured not to find out any military secrets at all, but simply because of sadism. After the war the commandant of camp Henry Virts was sentenced to execution through hanging as the military criminal. The «neglect health and lives of prisoners of war» was an official sentence. Conditions in the concentration camps created by northerners were a little better, but they were the winners whom, as we know, don’t judge!
So, the first concentration camps, already in modern understanding, were created by the lord of blue blood mister Kitchener for the Boers in South Africa during Anglo-Boer war of 1899−1902. The creation purpose of «concentration camps» (then there was a term) was to deprive of Boer guerrillas — «commandos» of possibility of supply and support, having concentrated farmers, generally women and children, in specially taken away places, dooming them to hungry extinction. These camps were called as «Refugee» (a rescue place). What an idea the cannibals who have eaten Cook for the sake of possession by his bravery. The British and Americans don’t eat the people. They kill them for the sake of masochistic pleasure!
In total the British tired out 200 thousand people in concentration camp that made about a half of the white population of the Boer republics. Some tens of thousands of people from them were lost for hunger and diseases.
To spring of 1901 the British concentration camp existed in all occupied territory of the Boer republics — in Barberton, Heidelberg, Johannesburg, Klerksdorp, Middelburg, Potchefstroom, Standerton, Vereeniging, Folksryus, Mafeking, Ayrin and other places.
In Johannesburg camp nearly 70% of children aged till eight years died. It is interesting that the British weren’t ashamed to publish the official notice on death of the son of the Boer commandant D. Herzog saying: «The prisoner of war D. Herzog died at the age of eight years in Port Elizabeth».
What an idea the Soviet Union with its GULAG camps on which the fans of creativity of Solzhenitsyn so like to argue? By the way, it is indicative but when there is the speech about GULAG, its horrors are painted always by those who in one way or another if was in camp, was or on exclusive situation as Alexander Isayevich, or is fed from foreign sources as «Memorial».
Meanwhile the human memory of generations didn’t keep memories of tens of millions convicts. Million evacuated were remembered, million prisoners of war of Germans and their allies too, tens echelons following on the front too, and here nobody remembers about million prisoners whom carried by GULAG. Besides, there is a grandfather, the great-grandfather or the father in each family who was at war in the Great Patriotic War. In total about 36 million people passed through the field army in 1941−1945. And here it is few relatives of convicts whom allegedly there were tens of millions… So in this case application of methods of typically Goebbels promotion is available: «The more lie, the quicker it believed …"
Besides, Europe and the USA which now have dressed up in a democratic toga, have a strong wish that the world forgot about their criminal sadistic past. Therefore they attribute the indelible sins to Russia and the USSR.
But we will return to Europe: there were also German concentration camp long before emergence of Hitlerite!
For the first time the Germans organized concentration camp for men, women and children of Herero and Nama tribes in concentration camps in Namibia (South West Africa) in 1904, for fight against insurgents from Herero tribe that only in 1985 was carried to genocide acts in the report of the UN.
World War I began which was well-known for large numbers of prisoners of war. The Turks created concentration camps for the deported Armenians in 1915, and took place along the line of caravans of the deported persons. In Syria the concentration camp were constructed for the deported Armenians in Hama, Homs and near Damascus through which since August 1915 till 1919 over 130 thousand of Armenians passed.
Also concentration camps for the deported Armenians were created round the cities Bab, Meskene, Rakka, Ziaret, Semga, Ras-al-Ayn and in a terminal point of caravans — Deir ez-Zor, Deir ez-Zor camp. The Armenians were in the open-air, they were deprived of water and food, hunger compelled them to eat a grass. Hunger and epidemics, according to the eyewitnesses, became the reason of high mortality, in particular among children; according to the eyewitnesses and survived, sometimes there were some hundreds from tens of thousands of people. By the end of 1916 the camp along Euphrates ceased to exist. By this time the consul of the USA in Mosul totaled only 8 thousand survived, and the consul of Germany in Damascus — 30 thousand.
At the beginning of World War I the Austro-Hungarian authorities created the concentration camps for the citizens as the prisons were overflowed. The main were camp in Thalerhof (Styria province) and in Teresina (the Northern Czech Republic). Rusyns, the citizens of Austro-Hungary, began to be placed in these camps and to shoot.
Some thousands of Rusyns contained in the Terezina fortress where they were used on a hard work, and then transported under guard in Thalerhof. The prisoners in Thalerhof camp were in awful conditions. Till winter of 1915 there were no barracks and the minimum sanitary conditions on all, hangars, sheds and tents were used for housing. Prisoners were exposed to mockeries and a beating. In the official report of field marshal Shleer of November 9, 1914 it was reported that there were 5700 Russophiles at that time in Thalerhof. In total from September 4, 1914 to May 10, 1917 not less than 20 thousand of the citizens of Galicia and Bucovina passed through Thalerhof. Only in the first one and a half years about 3 thousand prisoners were lost. Totally, by some estimates, not less than 60 thousand of Rusyns were destroyed during World War I.
So, Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova and other, welcome to the educated European Union. You are waited very much by your brothers in mind.
Most ridiculous is that the citizens of the countries of Antanta, being in the Austrian territory (tourists, students, businessmen etc.) at the time of declaration of war were subjected to internment in Thalerhof. The Serbians were exposed to the conclusion also in concentration camp. The Serbian civilian population was in concentration camps of Doboj (46 thousand), Arad, Nejider, Gyor.
In the Soviet Russia the first concentration camp were created by order of Trotsky at the end of May, 1918. These first camps were usually created on a place of camps of the 1st world war released after an exchange of prisoners of war and the conclusion in them was softer punishment in comparison with prison. The decree of the Central Executive Committee «About Forced-labor Camps», it was allowed «to live on private apartments and to be in camp for execution of appointed works» to the prisoners who have shown diligence. In the years of Civil war such measure as the conclusion in concentration camp not for a certain term, but «before the end of civil war» was applied.
The concentration camp on the island Mudjug near Arkhangelsk is most known from White Guard concentration camps, at first the having status of camp for prisoners of war (though put into it all suspected of the Bolshevism), then the exile-convict prison.
Finland caused a stir after the end of civil war. In 1918 the concentration camps were created in it too, about 70 thousand communists were concluded in concentration camp. The most part of camps was in the summer 1918: in Suomenlinna (13 300 people), in Hameenlinna (11 500 people), in Lahti (10 900 people), in Vyborg (10 350 people), in Tammisaari (8 700 people), in Riihimaki (8 500 people), in Tampere (7 700 people).
In May 600 — 700 people died in camps. In June it was already 2 900. In July the victims were about 4 800 — 5 250. In August the figure decreased — 2 200 victims, in September about 1000. The address of attention of the authorities before approaching accident and release of so-called safe prisoners on a suspended sentence became the reason of decrease in mortality. In total during the summer of 1918 11 000 — 13 500 people died of hunger and diseases in camps. From them 5 000 or nearly 40% were 15−24-year-old. What is remarkable that many hungry prisoners, about 600 — 700 people, were lost after release, having greedy started eating. The highest mortality was in Tammisaari camp: nearly 34%. In other camps 5 — 15%. From diseases especially many victims were taken away by the Spaniard and smallpox, dysentery and other infectious diseases weakening the prisoners.
After the defeat of the Red Army near Warsaw and Lviv there was a large number of captured Red Army men and the interned Russians from Belarus and Ukraine in Poland. According to the Russian historian I. Sukhov, people’s commissariats of defence of RSFSR-USSR reported about 140 thousand missing persons, wounded, the diseased and victims out of a battlefield. The number of the captured and interned citizens of the Soviet republics of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus in that war made, respectively, 66 thousand and 50 thousand.
And according to the Russian and Belarusian emigrant sources of 1920−1922 (in particular, according to messages of staffs of the 3rd Russian Army and National and Voluntary army of Belarus) in Poland of that time, there were not less than 73 thousand Soviet prisoners of war. According to the memorandum of head of the People’s Commissariat of Foreign Affairs of RSFSR G. Tchitcherin to the Polish embassy in Moscow of September 9, 1921, «…within two years 60 thousand captured Russians died from 130 thousand in Poland». The Polish embassy didn’t disprove these data then.
In the spring of 1919 the Poles brutally killed almost all employees of mission of RSFSR on repatriation of citizens of Russia from the Polish lands of that time in Warsaw, headed by S. Veselovsky.
The grand dukes Nikolay Nikolaevich and Vladimir Kirillovich, a widow empress-mother Maria Fiodorovna, general
Thus, the Russian imperial house and Bolsheviks in common accused Warsaw of crimes against humanity and genocide. But who now remembers and speaks about it?
Brutal actions of the Polish heads of that time caused protests even in some Polish officers. The colonel of the General Staff of army of Poland I. Matushevsky wrote in the report to Pilsudsky (February, 1922): «…Especially the camp in Tuchola which interned and captured call as the death camp where about 22 thousand Red Army men were lost «became famous»…». Actually, most terrible of the Polish concentration camps in Strzałkowo and Tuchola became prototypes of Auschwitz-Majdanek-Katyn.
By the newest estimates of the Polish, German, Lithuanian and Russian historians, from 120−130 thousand Soviet interned and prisoners of war in the Polish campaign of 1919−1921, 65−70 thousand returned to Russia, not less than six thousand passed to White Guards. There were about two thousand on a constant residence in Poland and neighboring countries. It means, by modest calculations, at least 45 thousand were lost in the Polish camps…
During World
And what about «democratic» Croatia? In August 1941 the system of concentration camps in the territory of the Independent Croatian state which was actively cooperating with Hitlerite Germany was created, in 60 kilometers from Zagreb, near the small town Jasenovac. To the East from Jasenovac there was a camp No. 1 — at Brochica and Krapje’s villages, it branch in the former prison in Old Gradishka; camp No. 2 — on coast of Sava and Struga, about 3 kilometers to the northwest from Jasenovac; camp No. 3 — at the former brick-works of Ozren Bachich. In system of camps Jasenovac for hunger, epidemics, hard work and as a result of direct destruction from 300 to 600 thousand people were lost, nearly 20 thousand from them, to think only were children. The majority of victims were Serbians and Jews.
During World
And on February 19, 1942 the
10 camps called as «concentration» by F. Ruzvelt, settled down in the territory of seven states: California, Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, Colorado and Arkansas. The first, Manzanar, was open on March 21, 1942 in California.
Constructions in camps represented the barracks without a water supply system and heating. One structure where the bathroom settled down was the share of 250 people. Many prisoners died of insanitary conditions, and also an emotional stress to which constantly were exposed. Camps were enclosed with a barbed wire and were controlled round the clock. Camp Tule Lake which was in California, gained special popularity, thanks to frequent demonstrations and revolts of prisoners during which they demanded observance of their constitutional laws. This camp was called subsequently segregative and prisoners from other settlements, arranging disorders, and also those who refused to bring «fidelity oath» went there. In Tule Lake there were more than 18 thousand people at the same time.
The writer Rand Clifford from the USA published the article- prevention under the heading «America! Be Truly Afraid» in which tells about secret installations of the American government and repressions which wait the American people, confirming the version that it is now constructed and reconstructed more than 800 concentration camps in the territory of the USA waiting the prisoners.
Now all camp are empty, Clifford reports, but all of them are fully completed by the security, ready to accept the put citizens of the USA, discordant with the government, and can be started with the announcement of the martial law. «Like the Nazi concentration camps, FEMA camps also are subdivided into «red and blue lines»: «Red list» is the enemies of the New World Order. In two weeks prior to introduction of military management they have to be sent in camp for immediate destruction. These are the real and potential leaders or activists.
«Blue list» is also the enemies of the New World Order, but not the leaders. After introduction of military management these people have to be caught for «reprogramming» in camps. Survived will be used by the most part as slaves».
It became known from the soldiers who have recently come back from Iraq and from the diaries placed by them in the Internet that the American armies in Iraq are trained in carrying out of «internal cleaning» in the country with weapon confiscation. And also are exposed to testing for a subject whether they are capable to shoot in case of need on defeat at the American citizens, including friends and family members.
Besides, in the territory of the USA the hundreds thousands plastic «brotherly» coffins intended for burial of 4−5 people in everyone are found. By estimation of the «pathfinders», the found coffins will suffice on one million people.
Governmental circles of the USA assure the citizens that all these concentration camps and coffins are arranged on a case of natural cataclysms. Where still stock up with coffins and concentration camps for fight against flood waters and droughts?
To reach the goals, the West countries now accuse the modern Russia of all mortal sins not only for its past which it was valid heavy and hard, but also attribute it those sins in which they are guilty first of all. The matter of doctor Goebbels lives and wins?
Viewed : 1576 Commented: 1
Author: Igor Matveev,military expert, colonel
Publication date : 27 September 2013 01:00
Source: The world and we
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service