About warm mutual understanding between Lukashenko, Poroshenko and … Bandera
On all former Soviet Union the name of the Belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko enjoys authority and deserved respect. Not least because of that he, despite sometimes very difficult foreign policy situation and the economic difficulties caused by it, always capable to provide worthy life to citizens of the country.
But here the war in the Southeast of Ukraine began and Alexander Grigoryevich changed as if: being put into words of unforgettable Taras Bulba, he literally started «osculating» with the Kiev junta … And it is when in the cities of the flaring Donets Basin the civilians are perished from hands of the Kiev chasteners, and the survived run to Russia in hundred thousand.
Any dog won’t bark without the permission of «father»…
In Belarus it is quite reasonably said that «any dog won’t bark without the permission of „father“ …». Thus, the point of view of official state mass media of Belarus can be considered as the point of view of the most Belarusian president with good reason.
So, these mass media present drama events in the Southeast of Ukraine only as a result of internal political squabbles of short-sighted politicians and the conflicts between the oligarchs seeking to redistribute the property once again.
Thus it is impossible to get to know about the true reasons of revolt in Donets Basin, about crimes of Nazi-Bandera Kiev junta, about fight of the people of Donets Basin against the Kiev retaliatory armies. For a long time the
It is available not only every possible aspiration to deprive of fellow citizens of the right for the truth, but also desire to lay blame for incitement of hatred and the conflict equally on the Ukrainian and Russian mass media.
Here is only one of examples of similar «warm attitude» to the Kiev junta: so, Soviet Belarus newspaper reported on August 19, 2014:
- Yesterday the Ukrainian mass media reported terrible news: from mortars and jet systems of volley fire Grad the column of refugees in the Lugansk region was fired. In information centre of the National Security and Defence Council of Ukraine the responsibility for it was conferred on insurgents. There is a lot of victims, their exact quantity is specified …
Thus, it completely quoted the messages of official Kiev, without having found time to check reliability of this crazy information at all.
In the same way the Belarusian mass media quote messages of the Kiev semi-official organ in large quantities as allegedly the militiamen fire at those cities which they protect.
And let nobody trusts in this delirium, except authors, the Kiev journalists and some part of the population of the Western Ukraine … It seems that it is very necessary for the president Lukashenko to keep «friendship» with the Kiev junta … Why, that is the question?
The answer is unfortunately obvious: all assurances of fidelity of Russia and the statement for unity with the Russian people, repeatedly sounding from Lukashenko’s lips, are actually masking. As before, the Belarusian president probably expects to receive concrete material benefit in exchange for gradual changes of the position in the relation to an assessment of crimes of Kiev and reduction of its support.
And at this time for many years in Belarus they distort and muddle the history, extol the Polish kings and the Lithuanian princes. It is indicative that the quantity of mentions of mass heroism of the Soviet citizens is reduced every year by territories of Belarus in days of the Great Patriotic War, and official mass media prefer to tell expressions like «Belarusian people», «Belarusian guerrillas», «citizens of Belarus» etc. This year «use of St. George symbolic wasn’t recommended» in the Victory Day in Belarus.
Certainly, in Belarus all this Russophobic activity has not such aggressive character as in Ukraine. But this activity is conducted very systemically, with the use of all state mechanism that does it effective.
After everything told not so surprisingly that the president Alexander Lukashenko doesn’t notice, or, at least, pretends that doesn’t notice, the Nazi symbolic on banners of the Ukrainian retaliatory battalions, neo-Nazi rhetoric of the Kiev authorities of atrocities oа the Ukrainian military on the State of Donets Basin …
But that is absolutely shocking, he prefers not to notice that in the cities of the Southeast of Ukraine the humanitarian accident is available: even those days when Ukraine in every way tried not to allow the Russian humanitarian escort to Lugansk and Donetsk, official Minsk kept silence. And, certainly, he doesn’t give even moral support to those who are at the war in Donetsk and Lugansk …
Blood and ashes
Meanwhile such behaviour of the Belarusian president seems blasphemous if to remember the history of atrocities of the Ukrainian retaliatory battalions in the territory of the republic in days of the Great Patriotic War.
Here what the Doctor of History Alexey Litvin writes about them in the work «Blood and Ashes»:
- In numerous documents and materials on history of guerrilla movement and underground fight in the republic there are data on so-called «Ukrainian» police officers who acted in Minsk and on all territory of Belarus.
In the summer of 1941 in Minsk from among the prisoners of war of the Ukrainian nationality released from camps of Minsk and vicinities, the separate police battalion in number of 910 people was created.
From available documents in National archive of Republic of Belarus it is visible that already on July 10, 1941 in Belostok the police battalion numbering 481 persons was created, generally from the Ukrainian military personnel and those who gave out himself for Ukrainian. In August the battalion arrived to Minsk. It settled down at the former art school on Komarovka and originally was called as the 1st battalion, and then was renamed into the 41st. A bit later in Minsk the 2nd «working» battalion was created from Ukrainians — subsequently the 42nd. Both of them numbered 1086 people.
In the territory of Belarus for July 1, 1942 there were 13 Schutzmannschafts bataillons with the total number more than 7,5 thousand people. It is the 3rd, the 12th and the 15th — Lithuanian; the 18th, the 24th, the 26th, the 266th «Е» — Latvian; the 46th, the 47th, the 48th «Е», the 104th, the 201st — Ukrainian; the 36th — Estonian.
In October, 1941 the 1st company of the 41st battalion took part in execution of Jews. In Moscow it became known of this fact from the Minsk underground worker
According to
The following repressions were applied to staff: in October, 1941 12 people drank and started singing the Soviet songs. Germans put them on a guardroom, and after lashed birches. If someone in due time isn’t in a battalion or won’t salute, so was beaten by sticks.
The form of the Ukrainian battalions was generally the Red Army, except for cockarde which was from a yellow material on garrison caps, and subsequently the staff of the 41st battalion was formed in the Lithuanian uniforms»
Here that was written in the detailed report «About situation in Minsk», prepared in January, 1943 by the future academician of the Academy of Sciences of BSSR
Moral stability of these «volunteers» is extremely fluctuating. In March, 1942 as a result of decomposition of this battalion the part of it ran up. Over 150 people were arrested by Germans and shot. The small battalion on number is available in Minsk now. The population concerns to soldiers of this battalion with hatred.
So, for example, in the market nothing sells to these «volunteers», motivating with that, bread isn’t on sale to traitors. The population declares: «Let you are fed by Germans».
It should be noted that the part of the territory of Belarus (some regions of the Brest, Pinsky and Polesye areas) was included in Reichskommissariat «Ukraine».
Here police battalions which submitted to the highest chief of SS and police Ukraine — Russia the South were deployed.
We will list only some facts which are known to us about activity of the Ukrainian police formations in Belarus.
201st security police battalion.
It was created at the end of 1941 from staff of two Ukrainian battalions disbanded in the fall — «Nachtigall» and «Roland». Frankfurt an der Oder was a place of formation of a battalion.
The Ukrainians were enlisted in a battalion, agreed to serve to Germans as mercenaries. On December 1, 1941 they signed the contract for a period for one year, without adoption of the oath. In essence it was typical German police security formation. By the same principle all «east» police battalions were organized actually.
The staff wore the German police uniform and the German distinctive signs. It was forbidden to use national symbolic. Actually the battalions «Nachtigall» and «Roland» were the Ukrainian only.
In March, 1942 the 201st battalion was sent to the east, but not to the territory of Ukraine as volunteers expected, but to Belarus where together with others are similar formations protected the means of communication in a triangle Mogilyov — Vitebsk — Polotsk and fought against guerrillas.
On September 30, 1942 sixty police officers of the 201st security battalion accompanied a column of cars with ammunition and fuel from Lepel in garrison of Ushachi. To the north of the village Zhary the column was suddenly fired. Protection immediately put counterstroke and destroyed, according to the German report, «51 bandits, took 3 machine guns, explosive, fuses. Own losses made 2 persons killed and 5 wounded».
The head of the convoy, the officer of the 201st battalion, after fight ordered to bring wounded by an ambulance back to Lepel. For maintenance he allocated 21 police officers by two cars under command of the officer. To the south of the village Zhary the guerrillas attacked this transport and almost completely exterminated it. Only 9 police officers were succeeded to break through. Results of this fight were long analyzed in Berlin. In H. Himmler’s message number 36 of November 3, 1942 it was told to A. Hitler:
«Territory Russia „Centre“. Results of fight of the 201st police battalion to the north of Lepel: Losses of the opponent — 89 people are killed, 20 people are wounded. Trophies: 4 automatic rifles, 2 mortars, 2 machine guns, 41 rifles, 200 kg of explosive, 36 mines, 130 manual grenades, 10000 cartridges. Own losses: 4 German soldiers and 22 local police officers are killed».
In December, 1942 the 201st battalion was disbanded, and its Ukrainian officers are brought escorted by to Lviv where were put under arrest. Some of them, including Roman Shukhevich, were managed to run and join the Ukrainian nationalist forces.
102nd Ukrainian police battalion.
In the fall-winter of 1942 to the territory of Belarus the 102nd, 115th and 118th Ukrainian police battalions arrived which at the end of 1943 received new numbering (61, 62, 63).
The first as appears from the diary of military operations of the 23rd German police battalion, on October 24, 1942 the 102nd Ukrainian police battalion arrived to Postavy which had to replace the 2nd company of the Lithuanian police battalion No. 254 «Е». On November 3, 1942 the Ukrainian police company was thrown in Kozyany village, to the north of Postavy where day later was attacked by guerrillas and lost 20 people.
In May, 1943 the 102nd battalion took part in the operation «Cottbus». It was given the SD-3 team led by Untersturmfuehrer Gruza. After operation the battalion received the order to arrive to Columns for change of the 12th Lithuanian police battalion on protection in the area of Uzda — Shatsk — Kopyl.
115th Ukrainian police battalion.
As the history of Lenin guerrilla crew of Baranovichi area tetifies, on October 23, 1942, the 115th Ukrainian battalion arrived to village Ruda Yavorskaya (the Lipichansky dense forest) for performance of functions of police garrison. Guerrillas of group of Bulat («Orlyansky») and Alexandrov «totally crushed nationalists on the night of October 25, 1942″.
118th Ukrainian police battalion.
In December, 1942 the 118th Ukrainian police battalion arrived to the territory of the republic created in Kiev generally from the former prisoners of war of Ukrainians [12]. German Erich Kerner and the former White Guard officer, the major of the Polish army Pole Konstantin Smovsky ordered a battalion. As well as in others Schutzmannschaft battalions, the German officers directed everything, whose orders were duplicated by officers and corporals from among the former Soviet military personnel. Financiers, quartermasters and heads of other not services with troops also were Germans. On arrival in Pleshchenitsy the post of the chief of a staff of a battalion instead of Korniyts who has run away to guerrillas was held by Grigory Vasyura — the former chief of communication of the 67th fortified area.
From the first days of the emergence to summer of 1944 the 118th battalion left the ominous traces in the territory of Belarus. Even before burning of Khatyn on its account there was a number of fanatic operations.
Together with gendarmerie and local police the Ukrainian turncoats rushed into Chmelevichi of the Logoysk area where killed three inhabitants and burned 58 houses.
During the next operation which the chief of a staff of a battalion G. Vasyura and the chief of the 3rd company Hauptmann Hans Welke directed, 16 inhabitants of villages Koteli and Zarechie were killed. 40 houses were burned to ashes.
The whole world knows about the tragedy of Khatyn. However long time all truth wasn’t told about it.
It was held back that the 118th Ukrainian police battalion was the chief executioner. It was convincingly proved on trial in Minsk. As well as in a number of similar operations, in Khatyn the police officers worked shoulder to shoulder with SS battalion the commander of which was a Nazi executioner sadist doctor Oscar Dirlivanger.
51st, 52nd and 53rd Ukrainian battalions.
The 51st battalion protected the peat plants round Minsk, and after the operation „Cottbus“ (May-June, 1943) the 12th Lithuanian police battalion had to replace it. Also there aren’t enough data on the 52nd Ukrainian police battalion. Mainly it is mentioned in the German reviews of forces for 1942−1943.
54th Ukrainian police battalion.
By data for May 1, 1943, it was deployed in Lida. The battalion took part in the retaliatory operation „Cottbus“ and then was included in structure of the 31st police regiment.
55th Ukrainian Schutzmannschaft battalion.
By data for May 1 and on June 28, 1943, the battalion was deployed in Mogilyov. It submitted to the representative of SS Reichsführer on fight against guerrillas von dem Bach-Zelewski.
56th Ukrainian police art division.
Mainly it is mentioned in reviews of forces for 1942−1943.
57th Ukrainian police battalion.
In May, 1943 the battalion took part in the retaliatory operation „Lightning“ and in particular in destruction of Zastarinye village of the Novogrudsky area. The battalion surrounded the village. Fascists drove all residents of the village to houses and burned alive. In total 287 people were destroyed. The same fate comprehended the villages of Zapolye and Yatra.
After the operation „Cottbus“ the battalion was sent to Baranovichi „for protection and harvesting and destruction of the gangs which appeared there. In all cases blocks the ways of withdrawal of gangs to the south“.
As appears from the report of May Day guerrilla crew of Baranovichi area for March, 1944, the 57th Ukrainian battalion and the 56th battery with a total number of 1 thousand people given it arrived to the Ancient settlement. On their basis, together with local police and „samaahova“ (150 people) and Germans (23 persons) the regiment was created. The garrison of the Ancient settlement had 2 platform soles, 8 armored cars and five 45-millimetric tools.
50th Ukrainian police battalion.
It also left a trail of blood in the territory of Belarus though it was deployed in Vilnius. The battalion took part in the large operation „Winter Magic“ against guerrillas and the population of the Rossonsk-Osveysk guerrilla zone in a triangle of Sebezh — Osvey — Polotsk (Drissensk, Osveysk, Polotsk and Rossonsk areas) which was carried out in February-March, 1943. Creation of „neutral zone“ of 40 km wide on border of Latvia and Belarus was the purpose of operation.
Military operations were carried out from February 14 to March 20, 1943. Ten police battalions eight of which were Latvian, and also the 2nd Lithuanian and 50th Ukrainian, the motorized divisions of gendarmerie, communication and artillery, the 2nd avia group of special function took part in operation. From the North and the South the area of operation was surrounded with divisions of the 201st security and the 391st educational and field divisions.
In the report on operation it is detailed, on days and hours, it is possible to track the activity practically of each division. In total during operation it was destroyed and burned living 3500 locals, 2000 people are stolen on a hard labour to Germany, more than 1000 children are sent to the Salaspilssk extermination camp (Latvia). 158 settlements are plundered and burned, including together with people the villages of Abrazeevo, Aniskovo, Buly, Zhernoseka, Kalyuta, Konstantinovo, Paportnoye, Sokolovo and others burned down. Khatyn was destroyed in two days after completion of this operation — on March 22, 1943.
During „Winter magic“ very cruel methods of mining of minefields and roads were applied.
Hitlerites sent ahead of themselves the crowd of local population on the mined road or on a minefield, forced neighbouring inhabitants to harrow dangerous sites. Numerous cases of death or wounds of local population are known during these barbarous actions.
According to available data, on November 18, 1942 the 264th „E“ Ukrainian police battalion also participated in a retaliatory action in the territory of Belarus.
Materials of archival funds unambiguously testify: the Ukrainian police formations soiled themselves serious bloody crimes on the Belarusian earth.
Why the blood of victims of the Ukrainian chasteners doesn’t knock in Alexander Lukashenko’s heart?
It is very indicative that it is actually impossible to receive any point of view from the Belarusian officials regarding their assessment of activity of the Ukrainian and also the Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian retaliatory police battalions in the territory of Belorussia in the years of the Great Patriotic War: always the answer follows that „this subject is undesirable because can do much harm to bilateral relationship“ …
But we will return to today.
Everything is clear with so-called Ukrainian „president“ Petro Poroshenko: he became the worthy successor of ideology and affairs of Stepan Bandera.
Under his management it was creatively processed and gained further development the strategy of Hitlerite fighters on destruction of civilians of the surrounded cities: if fascists bombed Leningrad and fired from heavy tools, and also sought to prevent food delivery to the besieged city, so Poroshenko retaliatory armies apply now „Grad“, „Uragan“, „Smerch“ and Tochka-U tactical missiles. Also don’t pass humanitarian escorts.
Undoubted „know-how“ of modern Ukrainian chasteners is the use of prospecting and diversionary groups on the cars armed with mortars which move on the besieged cities, firing at civilians. Possibly, Adolf Hitler simply would die of envy if was alive …
All this occurs under slogans: „Glory to Ukraine!“», Glory to heroes!", «Death to enemies» with which the Ukrainian nationalists committed the crimes.
But if Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevich were killed in the past, Petro Poroshenko, having adopted their ideology and methods, kills in the present, so how the Belarusian president appeared in this «company»?
After all it is simply impossible to regard his present policy for neo-Bandera of Kiev differently as support…
And why the blood of the numerous victims of the Ukrainian chasteners doesn’t knock in Alexander Lukashenko’s heart? Will they forgive him?
Viewed : 1152 Commented: 0
Author: Stepan Bulbenko
Publication date : 27 August 2014 00:21
Source: The world and we
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service