“Nasty great-grandsons of the nice and great great-grandfathers” are the Ukrainian power!
«Nasty great-grandsons of the nice and great great-grandfathers"
T. G. Shevchenko
What do the Ukrainian veterans of the Great Patriotic War think of the tragedy happening now in the homeland of Sydir Kovpak, Ivan Chernyakhovsky and Pavel Rybalko? What torments do they endure who passed the bloody fields of all Europe? There is the interview to the war and labour veteran, full knight of «Miner's Glory»
— Seventy years ago the Soviet troops exempted Ukraine from fascist aggressors. What is your assessment of the events occurring now in Ukraine?
Could we, the Winners of Nazism, to imagine that we will mark, but not to celebrate the 70th anniversary of liberation of Ukraine from fascist evil spirits, hiding as Tati in small rooms, but not having come to squares of the cities freed by us together with our great-grandsons and grandsons in one row with proudly raised heads?
I ask myself this question and the tears are into the eyes. The Pain smothers the heart with bony hands and breaks off the soul. Really everything that our generation of the Soviet people made for Ukraine is damned and indulges in an anathema by our descendants now? What did we make not so, what didn’t give that now they spit us and chose our won enemies as the ideals? What glasses the present power of Ukraine put on their eyes that they began to say black on white and chose the brown as the main colour? That their souls were captured by passion of destruction of our monuments, destructions of our heroes from pedestals, refusal of our moral values and belief of ancestors?
The biggest punishment for the person is the charge by his descendants that he lived life in vain. Unless we lived in vain? We left the country to which many envied in the world in inheritance. In due time Churchill, paying a tribute to the memory of the outstanding contemporary, in the obituary on the death of Stalin wrote: «He accepted Russia with a wooden plow and left it with the nuclear weapon». And after all thus he estimated the work not so much of Stalin, as many work of all Soviet people who built the great state by a uniform family of the people. And here the best part of this state that Ukraine was at that time, we passed further in relay.
We hoped that the new generation of Ukrainians will manage to keep made us and to go further in construction of the prospering state. But that now is created with the country, suggests me an idea that they will give it to the descendants not with a wooden plow, but I am afraid with a stone axe.
If the Ukrainians so despise the senior generation, let refuse the roots. Only let remember: «The people who will shoot at the past from the gun, will receive a shot from a cannon from the future» …
The bible warns «don't create an idol to yourself». But the Christian precepts are forgotten on this distressful earth. The European values with their debauchery and permissiveness, spirit of a profit, the principle «dog eat dog» became closer to Ukrainians. Only by that I can explain that the oligarchs embezzlers of public funds, pedophiles and gays, murderers and sadists became the leaders in Kiev whom, by the way, the people chose voluntary. Only sick society can make the hero of the villains, traitors and murderers.
Really this generation doesn’t understand that nothing can be constructed on hatred which they put in the base of the new state. The person can create only with love and God in soul. To a huge regret it is possible to note that they have no love and compassion to the neighbor and the Devil demanding blood lodged in soul.
I urge the fellow citizens to look back and look attentively at these politicians. What do they offer society? After all their ideology is the ideology of necrophilists. Only political impotent men who because of scarcity of the mind can’t offer anything new, parasitize on ideas which all civilized mankind condemned on the Nuremberg process and branded as leprous. After all our country isn’t uniform where last century the nation broke up into two opposite camps.
So why did the people in the same Spain turn this bloody page of the history and live for today and plans for the future, but not digging in the past? They perfectly understand that if to start being engaged in audit of history, you will lose the future.
And the previous and present leaders of Ukraine here parasitize more than twenty years on this wound, don’t allow it to cicatrize. They as cadaveric flies, grow fat, eating the drop. They understand, once the wound heals and their full life will come the end. Because of the cave nationalism, they aren’t able to offer something other to the people therefore in every way turn the society back and don’t allow to go forward. Their main principle is old as the world: divide and govern. And only the people as the mankurt follow their will. And for education of the people as Janissaries, they copied the country history; try to take away belief of ancestors, replacing it on false, anathematized; corrupt him, propagandizing sex, drugs, violence; spirituality is changed for animal consumerism.
— What is your opinion concerning OUN-UPA role in the history of Ukraine as the person who was taking part in the Great Patriotic War?
I want to tell: «Somehow Yushchenko brought the group of representatives of OUN-UPA to our veteran table on May 9th and suggested us to divide bread and salt with them at our holiday table. We agreed provided that they will answer the couple of questions. We asked if they call themselves the Ukrainian insurgent army which was at war with fascists, it means they as army had to conduct fights with the enemy, free the cities and the villages of Ukraine. We would ask them to name even one settlement which they exempted from fascists, and also at least one battle won by them against aggressors. Our questions remained without answer. So to whom these «liberators» battled?
For the sake of what they took the weapon (I don’t ask why Germans who, by the way, dressed them, gave them this weapon, put and fed)?
They don’t remember the won battles, but we didn’t forget as broke their
God forbid, if it happens, they still will shudder. Though what I am talking about: they quietly apprehended the death of people in a slaughter in Odessa and Mariupol. And anything didn’t turn over in their soul. And now with not smaller voluptuousness watch destruction of people of Donbass and voluntary participate in this fratricide, and actively demand the power to arm them and their children more thoroughly that they could more safely for themselves, more effectively kill the Slavic brothers in faith who rose against the Ukrainian fascists oligarchs.
— How do you think if events in Ukraine proceed further within the policy pursued by its government, what this country is expected?
And again I ask a question the fellow citizens who accepted Ukraine from hands of our generation: «Tell, please, what did your generation create in more than twenty years of independence, what you could be proud?"
What did you construct on the native earth? What trace did you leave in the history? Of course, at once you remind me of the Maidan with pride. I will refrain from comments concerning these events not to offend you: the best assessment to them will be given by history.
I want to ask about your material trace in the history of the country. Meanwhile I see that you leave a material contribution on buildings of Russia and Europe where you are let as cheap labor still so far. And where are the new plants and factories, spacecrafts, planes and the ships for which presently Ukraine so was famous? Everything is in the past? First of all what the governors brought by you to power made, is forbade the Russian language on pain of criminal penalty, legislatively renounced the Soviet past. And you silently agreed with them. Well, if you are irritated so by everything that is connected with the Soviet power, destroy the cities and villages, plants and factories, universities and stadiums, science and culture built by us for years of the USSR. And nothing will irritate you any more.
It is visible my thoughts already are read by Poroshenko, Turchynov, Yatsenyuk, Avakov and others. They started embodying them from my Donbass, having thrown swells armed cap-á-pie and the Ukrainian army there. To break is not to build, the soul doesn’t hurt, especially to break that not created by own hands.
For some reason the persons who arrived to Donbass shout that came to free own lands. From whom: from locals? And why they consider these lands as own? Whether they put even one kernel and grew up on this earth? Whether they put even one stone in the base of houses on this earth? Or the ashes of their ancestors are in this earth? So why they consider it as own one and they shout to the people who lived there all the life, working and watering this earth with sweat and blood: «Suitcase, station, Russia»? Who granted them such right? Unless the inhabitants of Donbass came to their earth to destroy dwellings and all created by many years of a hard work? Unless they kill their children, family? Therefore who are the terrorists: Novorossiya’s inhabitants or they???
Yes, we, the senior generation, as we are called now in Ukraine as «vatnik» and «sovok», not such seemed the future of our country. We didn’t think that our grandsons will kill the fellow citizens only that they rejoice a symbol of our Victory — St. George’s Ribbon.
As the honored economist of Ukraine, I can’t but note the crash of national economy which is so «skillfully» arranged with hands of the dull government Yatsenyuk. It was necessary to manage to bring down all economy in an abyss for half a year: without having found alternative replacement to break long-term effective links with the industrial enterprises of Russia; by means of the Armed forces and criminal voluntary battalions to destroy the industry of the region giving 25% of currency receipts and forming the BUDGET of the country for 23%? To please to the transatlantic owners to launch the civil war which as Moloch, devours the remains of gold and exchange stocks and leaves more and more citizens below the poverty line.
Therefore, what future can expect these people? Until it will become well again of «Fascism», it has no future.
Having dying, we ask the descendants: stop and think again. It is not too late. Your main enemy is not the person of labour protecting the earth and the choice, but the small group of villains parasitizing on you, forcing to kill the Slav brothers. And the name to it is the President and the Government of Ukraine. So far you are still living, until the weapon is in your hands, turn it against your real enemies. «And then we begin to live in our country»… I want to see it before I quietly die.
Veteran of the USSR, patriot of Ukraine
Viewed : 1112 Commented: 2
Author: Donbass
Publication date : 22 November 2014 00:00
Source: The world and we
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service
Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service