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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ukraine: anthology of treachery

The head of the department of political science of Lugansk University, the candidate of history Sergey Prikhodko tells about why in Ukraine there is always «It's not my business»?, «Where two Ukrainians, there are three Hetmans»? and why treachery became the national line of Ukraine?.
— Why Ukraine didn’t manage to be realized as the independent state after collapse of the USSR?
I will begin the answer to your question with small digression to history. As all of us know, after the Treaty of Pereyaslav there was a historical reunion of two fraternal peoples in united family. Bogdan Khmelnytsky made the decision on the union with Russia for the sake of rescue of Malorossiya people from Polonization and violent making Catholic.
But at once after his death the Hetman top laid the foundation of history of this friendship treachery. Not without reason there is a saying in Ukraine: «Where two Ukrainians, there are three Hetmans».
This trait of character, inherent at the gene level, throughout all history plays a mean joke with the nation. Once the Ukrainian moves forward on a career ladder upward, starts spinning intrigues, forgetting about those to whom he is obliged by the wellbeing, as well as oaths in eternal friendship. «It's not my business, I know nothing» is a keynote of behaviour of nationalist.
I will try to illustrate it on examples from the contemporary history.
As we know, after disorder of the USSR Ukraine was the most developed and had the competition capable economy, powerful military industrial complex, fine armed forces. It was included into club of the countries with the nuclear weapon and had the best prospects for adaptation of the economy in new conditions of the market.
But the ill fate connected with minor property-owning farmer thinking of its leaders crossed out the prospects opening before it and led the country on boondocks of Europe. The classics of Marxism claiming about a role of the personality in the history were right. Therefore we will try to analyse the activity of the helmsmen laying a course to the ship under the name of independent Ukraine and the trace left by them in the history of the country.
The first cap of the captain was pulled on by the Sly fox L. M. Kravchuk. He ensured the victory over the nationalist Chernovil by communistic past and promises of friendship with Russia. The electorate went after him, as for the former secretary of the Communist Party of Ukraine (KPU) ideology who gave the best years of the life to business of communism construction.
But the communistic raid flew from him at once after the mace receiving. Kravchuk admitted a revelation rush that already in youth he was a Banderovite and hated communists. And he did the career in CPSU not for the sake of providing full life to himself, but exclusively, that as Susanin, to bring the Party activists to a bog. According to his statement «If I knew that CPSU is such criminal organization, I would never enter this party». But then there are quite reasonable questions: «And whom he would become, without having entered a party? And when he was himself: when carried food to Banderovites in the wood or when served CPSU?» That is this person lied all the life, always was with a double bottom. In addition it appeared that, being the main ideologist of the KPU and preaching atheistic belief, he didn’t share them and secretly became the godfather of the head of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyivan Patriarchate (UOC-KP) dissenter Filaret who, using the official position, put him in this chair. Having held the President’s post, Kravchuk instantly turned into the terry anticommunist.
He declared that sees the historical mission in quality of the first person of the state in formation of nationalism of the nation and breaking off with the Soviet past. Also he began to build the policy on separation bases from Moscow and rapprochement with the West. However after a number of the juicy scandals connected with his corruption tricks and theft of state property and also by «house on the bank of Lake Geneva», the competitors from among his immediate environment prepared conditions and early re-elections of the President. The result of Kravchuk’s work is the course for a separation from Russia and the union with the West.
The fan of singing to the guitar became the following helmsman and in combination the main communist and the director of the Dnepropetrovsk plant «Yuzhmash» unforgettable L. D. Kuchma. He went on elections under communistic slogans with promises of improvement of workers life and relationship with Moscow, with threats to return stolen by the predecessor. But having been fond of return stolen, he mixed the pockets and instead of treasury of the state began to fill the own one with huge diligence. As well as the predecessor, Kuchma at once disowned of the communistic past, having appeared the convinced anticommunist. Thanks to congenital «tolerance» he managed, making advances to the East and the West, to stay nearly two terms in the Guarantor’s chair. For these years he put tradition of «President's family» when the Guarantor’s children automatically became successful businessmen and talented politicians in Ukraine. With his direct participation the corruption level in the country was raised on higher level. But the Guitarist was brought by avidity and confidence in the omnipotence: he grew the young nationalist politicians lusting power, as a result of their plot — the first Maidan and shameful resignation of Kuchma. He left behind the fundamental work «Ukraine is not Russia» impregnated with spirit of nationalism and the Ukrainian exclusiveness. He laid the foundation of rehabilitation of Banderovshchyna, having given posthumously the rank of the Hero of Ukraine to the ideologist of nationalism head of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church metropolitan Andrey Sheptitsky.
His receiver or rather the grave-digger became Vitya Yushchenko — «These hands didn’t steal». Raised by Kuchma and being his protege to all top posts in the country, he perfidiously thrust a knife in a back to the godfather. In a chair of the president the Poison felt as the second Moisey at once, whose historical mission consists in a final separation of Ukraine from damned totalitarian Moscow and transfer of its destiny to civilized hands of the European people. And for this purpose he decided that it is necessary to hold up to shame the communistic past of the country, to recognize OUN-UPA as fighters for independence, to give the ranks of Heroes of Ukraine to Bandera and Shukhevich, to immortalize the Holodomor.
Instead of raising the national economy, Mission was engaged in a showdown in team of «dear friends» during four years and squaring of accounts with the political opponents.
Having speculating on the subjects splitting the Ukrainian society and enjoying a ring of cemeterial bells, he on the quiet took the rarities from the Ukrainian museums to a personal collection. And in the end he wasn’t ashamed together with the wife and in combination the employee of State Department and U. S. citizen Kateryna Chumachenko-Yushchenko (the experienced nationalist) to steal some hundreds millions hryvnias, collected pennies from the people of Ukraine by all country for construction children’s health center in Kiev. At him the level of nepotism and corruption of government officials only grew. Having spent all credibility of the Maidan, with a rating in 2% he was decreased disgracefully on an ash heap of history. But the nationalist shoots which are plentifully fertilized by him put by two predecessors went to growth.
The following guarantor of Ukraine became V. F. Yanukovych. Having come to the power on promises of the union with Russia and giving the status of the state language to the Russian, at once forgot about it, having conveniently arranged in a presidential chair. At the suggestion of the advisers he fostered the nationalist «Svoboda» and entered it into parliament, financed the training of fighters of future Right Sector from the state budget. Considering experience of predecessors at once by the hands of «talented» sons was engaged in increase of welfare of the Family. And as made by the damned communists in seventy years of their authorities was already taken by bright «Ukrainian penises» who became instantly the oligarchs. Vitya remained nothing as to start expropriation of expropriators declaring the war for repartition of property. In passing Fedorovich decided to play big-time politics. Encouraged by the head of the Administration he began to make advances before the West and got into signing of the contract on association with the EU, having appeared from election pledges of the introduction in the Customs Union. But when understood that it is disastrous for economy of Ukraine, decided to brake the process. But it was late: this ended with the armed revolution initiated by Ukrainian oligarchs and supported by the West on the second Maidan. The result is the flight from the country and revelry of nationalist gangs.
The last Owner of the independent the West appointed the Chocolate oligarch P. Poroshenko. He differs nothing in the approach to government from followers. From the first steps he carried on Kuchma tradition of the Family. He confused the concepts of democracy with an autocracy a little, having launched fratricidal war on Donbass under the pretext of aggression reflection of Russia.
This figure (don't want to use the word state) continued undertakings of the predecessors: finally he legalized the national fascism in Ukraine and, having armed his supporters, sent to be at war with the pro-Russian people of Donbass. He brought policy of Russophobia to the level of the state and headed for a rupture of all political, economic and military relations with the Russian Federation. However, it doesn’t prevent him to build the personal business in Russia, getting multimillion profits in this country. In Ukraine now something shouldn’t be spoken about corruption as the tricks of the previous Guarantors look childish pranks on its background.
Having summarizing, I want to note that for all years of independence there was no the leader of the nation or the statesman in Ukraine considering the President’s post not as opportunity for personal enrichment, but as historical mission for creation of the self-sufficient state ensuring to citizens the high level of their life and safety. All these «Presidents» made nothing for economic recovery and strengthening of power of the country. They, using official position, unscrupulously plundered the created for years of the Soviet power, setting an example for army of officials.
Because of the poverty of intellect they adopted the principle «Share and dominate», having split the Ukrainian people on the East-West line because of terry nationalism, thereby having betrayed the idea of independent Ukraine. The subject of the external enemy operated by them now in the person of Russia will hold on not for long, after all it is impossible to lie infinitely long.
And the most regrettable is that there is no any candidate on the Ukrainian political Olympus who could become «father of the nation» and put interests of the state above the private.
— What destiny is expected by Ukraine as a result of the policy pursued by its management?
As a result of the dull management Ukraine lost the Crimea and Donbass. On turn its western territories which were attached to the USSR at the expense of the lands of Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia. In these countries the increasing influence is got by the right forces demanding the revision of results of World War I. I. and return of the territories. Ukraine isn’t considered as the strong independent state by them capable to defend the territorial interests. Nobody will reckon with opinion of the beggar standing on a church porch with the hand given behind a handout. How Ukraine will be able to defend the lands if it entirely depends on financial aid of the EU the members of which are the above-mentioned countries.
The corruption rust completely struck the Ukrainian government. The principle «Everything is on sale and bought» became the guide to action and seized minds of officials of all levels.
It was put by the cementing basis at construction of the country.
The ideology of national socialism was chosen as the second component of this construction solution. And though these components had one color brown, together taken chief architects of the project were beyond the power to construct the reliable base on their basis. The design didn’t sustain check time and began to collapse promptly. In the absence of the creating state idea uniting all segments of the population and its spokesman — the national leader, the country is doomed to the termination of the existence.
Therefore the Ukraine project under relentless laws of evolution, as it is regrettable, will be compelled to stop the short history, having given way to new state formations, thereby having served as a sad example of other people.

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Viewed : 3954   Commented: 2

Author: Donbass

Publication date : 26 December 2014 00:05

Source: The world and we
