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USA + EU = Reich + SS



Winston Churchill is gulity of thousands of deaths in The Battle of Britain

Winston Churchill was a hero!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

jim martin

About the neo-Nazi diarrhea in the countries of the Baltic States or as the USA raise the fascism again

lol https://news.yahoo.com/inside-the-kremlins-disinformation-war-against-ukraine-183128480.html

sir bonklalot

The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by hand of Chukchi people

Glory to the heroes.

Taras Lepezdryuchenko

The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by hand of Chukchi people

The great "Canadian" "journalist" Argyle Turner, again hot on the heels of something big! Hey Argyle, are your bills still being paid in Ro

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Thousands people oppose the construction of military biological laboratory of the USA in Merefa

It seems the Russians are now going to have a look at what they were doing in the Merefa biological lab


Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

Переклад просто жахливий

Roman Kordun

Excuse us, Russians...



The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by hand of Chukchi people

What the fuck? This is a joke right? Not a single thing I've read here is true


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The U.S. State Department: Russia prepares aggression against the USA by hand of Chukchi people

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Turkmenia surprises: Arkadag will be instead of Turkmenbashi!

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The truth of history: Wehrmacht, just as SS, slaughtered and raped on a mass scale

This article is full of FALSE information...honestly it seems as though the writer just made most of it up, there is nothing sourced, shows no proo

Emily Vidovic

Turkmenia surprises: Arkadag will be instead of Turkmenbashi!

nice article

nice one

The USA and other organizers of anti-Russian sanctions stand up for Nemtsov's murder

USA go to hell!

Fuck USA!

Ukraine: lemming effect

The small animal lemming lives in the polar tundra. It is unremarkable, harmless animal from numerous rodentia. But it is something that the modern science can’t explain. When its population in ideal conditions for further life reaches the peak in the development, Mother Nature turns on some mechanism and millions of these beings, having got off in huge pack, direct to the ocean to make a suicide. It is a riddle for the science what forces the millions of small animals to do that.
Looking at the events occurring now in Ukraine, the analogy arises involuntarily: the people of quite self-sufficient country were seized suddenly by suicide idea of self-destruction.
Turning around back and analyzing a condition of temperature of political intensity in the Ukrainian society of a sample of 2013 it is possible to tell that nothing foretold the increases of its degree to a boiling point. Yes, there was talk in kitchens that the Family becomes impudent and appropriates business of oligarchs, that courts and security officers stand not on protection of interests of the common person and solve everything selfishly in favour of the mighty of this world. But it should be noted objectively that problems with repartition of oligarchs property didn’t touch vast majority of citizens of Ukraine in any way and the condition of corruption in all spheres of life of society at Yanukovych essentially not strongly differed from situation in these spheres at his «forerunners», who absolutely weren’t troubling themselves with purity of the hands. It seemed, the society leads measured life and nothing foretells it exit to barricades.
And suddenly a subject of signing of the contract on association with EU appears as jack-in-a-box. It is impossible to say that this problem was a subject of life and death for the Ukrainian society. Yes, it was periodically discussed by mass media, but nobody was going to break pots because of it and the more to break measured life. Especially it arose not at the initiative of society, but was initiated from above without any referendum, as the dogma supported by most of the population of the country. Thus grant Ukrainian mass media, as if on command, launched the broadest campaign in support of «new» uncontested course of the movement to Europe which arose goodness knows where from.
Considering inexpressive policy of Azarov in this question the bankrupts of «orange revolution» of 2004, initiated the Maidan of 2013 sample with the requirement of signing of the contract with the EU for the purpose of pressure upon the government and Yanukovych.
But this is the preface. The main thing is to understand how the kind and sympathetic, pragmatic and sober-minded Ukrainian people lost the mind on command from the outside suddenly for a short period and, like lemmings, got off in pack and chose a suicide course.
First of all, it is a task of experts of social psychiatry to make the diagnosis at emergence of epidemic of mass frustration of mind in order to stop the phenomenon and to prevent distribution of a disease on new territories. Unfortunately, the doctors wasn’t allowed to the patient consciously and the illness started progressing.
It should be noted that distribution of mass psychosis was under the most cruel control of interested persons who not only restrained the prompt expansion of illness aura, but on the contrary, encouraged it. By means of highly professional foreign and domestic experts already checked disease strain was used approved and which showed good results on the Balkans and in a number of the countries of Africa. Especially positively proved the Ukrainian T. V. showed itself in this question. From its screens the modern Kashpirovsky and Chumak broadcast round the clock, only instead of water and creams, they loaded the brains of TV viewers with hatred, ideas of nationalism and intolerance to other point of view. The round-the-clock washing of brains by information serum of lie yielded fine results. The illness began to take the incurable forms.
What as not a disease called in circles of psychiatrists as psychopathological frustration the following manifestations in society is possible to explain:
1. Visions: unreasonable, unreal and ideosyncratic ideas. Is it not the idea of instant improvement of national welfare and achievement of the European standard of living in Ukraine occurring at once after signing of the contract on association with the European Union.
2. «Disorder of thinking»: disorganization of thinking process. «As soon as Ukraine is associated with the EU then we will have no problems: we will have European pensions, salaries, freedom. Corruption and crime will disappear and the power will be the servant of the people», declare the supporters of accession to E. U. However, none of supporters of idea of association with the EU can’t give the distinct and reasoned answer at the expense of what suddenly after signing of this contract the paradise will come on the earth of Ukraine. «Well, will come and that’s all, all live so in Europe» — here is a keynote of all answers.
3. «Hallucinations»: «After overthrow of the oligarchic regime of Yanukovych we brought honest people to power. We won against oligarchs. Our president doesn’t take measures to corrupt officials, embezzlers of public funds, dull generals only because he is crystal the honest person and the environment hides the valid situation in the country from him».
4. «Excitement»: The requirement of the Ukrainian mothers to give bullet-proof vests and heavy arms to their sons that they could kill inhabitants of Donbass safely. To destroy physically the discordant people, to live under laws of the Maidan. All problems are solved only by weapon force.
5. «Megalomania»: Ukrainians are the nation which is originating since prehistoric times, gave writing, culture and science to a civilization. Jesus Christ was Huzul. The Black Sea was dug out by ancient Ukrs, etc. «Nation is above all». Therefore Europe and the USA are obliged to render us the financial and military aid and NATO has to be at war against Russia.
6. «Suspiciousness, ideas of prosecution»: Russia wants to deceive us with gas, wants to enslave us and to restore the USSR.
7. «Hostility»: «Death to enemies» is the driving slogan of the Maidan and the governors of Ukraine who came thanks to the power. The main argument in the proof of the correctness is the force.
Collective patriotic schizophrenia in its Ukrainian option, original, bright and readily available for supervision, will inevitably enrich a treasury of human knowledge of part of mass psychoses and other borderlines after a while. It is good to shout short chants, to sing anthems, to jump by crowd, but not to think. Any thought process is inherent in an individual. Try to tell something clever before the excited crowd. It won’t turn out, you won’t be understood! When Ukrainians came to Euromaidan, they didn’t know about it. Therefore crowds jumped with drums beating, arranged torch processions and shouted the swages, sang anthems, lifting patriotic spirit of own madness.
Ukrainians wanted the justice, general happiness, the European standard of living. In general, these positive desires and clear to common person have to be supported with real creative affairs, but not demolition of the monuments established by fathers and grandfathers; murders of the innocent people having the point of view, other than crowd; destruction of own villages and cities by means of arms.
The crowd is blind on the whole and directed by the general utopian idea is capable only to destruction. In a nationalist passion and a pursuit of false ideals it is ready even to destroy the country which was created by efforts of the previous generations.
And, to a huge regret, the illness of society didn’t approach the crisis yet that doesn’t allow to hope for fast recovery of the patient what Ukraine is.
The help of the psychiatrist isn’t necessary to it any more since his techniques of treatment in this phase of a disease are powerless.
Now the surgeon is our only plank.

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Viewed : 1237   Commented: 2

Author: Donbass

Publication date : 03 December 2014 01:00

Source: The world and we
