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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service

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Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Ivan Datsenko from Ukraine is the leader of the Indians and the agent of the Soviet intelligence service



Who has attacked Dnepropetrovsk? The conclusion is obvious...

Four explosions thundered in Dnepropetrovsk, the fifth explosive device was neutralized. “According to information confirmed officially, four explosions thundered in the city. The fifth explosive device was neutralized", reported the representative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
As a result of explosions 27 people have suffered one of whom is in a serious condition.

The panic hearings prevent to estimate a situation in the city objectively. The Information about 10 explosions and the large number of victims was spread. Local mass media also report about the firefight at the Dnepropetrovsk shopping center “Karavan” between the security officers and the terrorist. There are the wounded persons.

Certainly, there were certain “experts” who started to make comments briskly on an event and many of them didn't only smell some gunpowder, but also didn't serve in army... The price to such estimations, as they say, is not worth a brass farthing.

Meanwhile the conclusions are obvious: the attacks against the peace population are very similar both in Russia and in Belarus, and now, unfortunately, in Ukraine. Who stands for them?

As the Ukrainian media testifies, the special services of Ukraine consider the six versions of the terrorist attacks in Dnepropetrovsk. The numerous experts put their assumptions forward. “We have our own opinion on these versions, but we won’t say something specifically”, said the Prosecutor General of Ukraine Viktor Pshonka. However, the head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) Igor Kalinin noted that, because the places in which two explosions thundered, were crowded and the bombs were put in the ballot boxes, so the investigation traces some relation of the current terrorist acts with an explosion, made in Dnepropetrovsk in November of the last year. The explosion, about which said Kalinin, occurred at night on November, 16 of the last year in the reinforced concrete ballot box. Then one person became the victim of terrorism.

On Friday evening, the Security Service of Ukraine said that they did not see the political hidden motive in terrorist acts. I think, there is no political version, because the human life and injury are not worth of any political decision,” said the Deputy Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine Vladimir Rokitsky in the air of the Ukrainian TV channel “Inter”.

Not less popular the version of attempts to derange the European championship, which will take place in Ukraine and Poland in the summer of this year. In particular, the President of the Football Federation of Ukraine Grigory Surkis holds this version. “There is no limit to the cynicism of the organizers of the tragedy in Dnepropetrovsk. There are enough grounds to claim that its goal is any price disrupt the successful holding in Ukraine of the outstanding European tournament and compromise the state in the eyes of the international community”, stated Surkis.

Another version is showdown among Dnepropetrovsk businessmen. As the supporters of this theory remind, two weeks ago a well-known businessman Gennady Akselrod was killed in Dnepropetrovsk. Also the criminal motive is not excluded - the criminals could distract the attention from the robbery. It is also possible that the explosions were organized by psychopath-single-handed.

The director of the Institute of society transformation Oleg Soskin named three possible causes of the terrorist attack in Dnepropetrovsk in the comments for “Censor.NET”...
“This is a continuation of the showdown which resulted to the death of Akselrod (Dnepropetrovsk businessman Gennady Akselrod) and he actually was the member of Kolomoysky group. This is the continuation and strengthening of very powerful war “, said Oleg Soskin in the comments for “Censor.Net”. Besides, there is still a very dangerous moment... There were the beatings of the Jews in the last time. And you have to understand that Kolomoysky is not only the businessman, but he is the head of the European Jewish Congress, and the ruling family has no good relations with them. So it can be that the war started to squeeze Kolomoysky with Dnepropetrovsk”.

“The second variant is the Putin-Lukashenko version. It is the sharpening of the situation around the terrorists with the purpose of intimidating people, impact on public opinion and, thus, to create the conditions for the introduction of state of emergency. And to show that there is only one owner, able to provide peace of mind – this is Yanukovych”, noted the expert.

Kiev's political commentator Yury Romanenko told the information Agency “New Region”:

“It looks like that these explosions still will have more negative consequences. It will extremely negatively affect the image on the eve of the championship of Euro. And these explosions will intersperse Tymoshenko’s matters in outline, in order to discredit Ukraine finally. This is another argument for the disruption of the Euro. It won't be cancelled, but break it to be held in the same form as the power wanted”, said the agency interlocutor.

“The situation in Dnepropetrovsk, in my opinion, points to the fact that the explosions were organized in such a way as to create the greatest effect, but not to kill the people. Not sectional shells were used, which are not directed at mass victims. Plus, they were held in a place where there are people. In order that it has caused a stir, but not sacrifice”, stressed Romanenko.

“It may be due to the redistribution of property in Dnepropetrovsk. This process is happening there. But the consequences will be much more to Ukraine. This shows once again that the regime of Yanukovych is ready to fall, because the situation is not controlled. Regime is sliding into a deep crisis. It can radically catalyze the situation in society, the mood of protest”, said the expert.

So, let’s sum up: what are the versions the experts and ordinary people put forward in their discussion in the blogs and forums?

First version: “damned” Yanukovych, specially arranged it to introduce a state of emergency, to establish a regime of personal dictatorship and distract attention from the Yulia Tymoshenko, who is in the Kharkiv colony now and, moreover, as her advocates say, beaten by the staff of the colony.

Second version: the explosions arranged by Tymoshenko's supporters to put the population of Ukraine against Yanukovych.

Third version: the bandits showdown between the Dnepropetrovsk clans or between similar, only Donetsk and Dnepropetrovsk structures.

Fourth version: the breakdown of the European football championship-2012.

Fifth version: the Jews are fault in everything.

Sixth version: here, of course, they can't do without “Moskals” who seek to destabilize the situation in Ukraine.

Let us try to evaluate these assumptions: the first version of the involvement of Yanukovych and the Party of Regions is just fantastic, because their situation is worse than you can imagine... The economy of the country is in full rubble, the experts predicting the default, the social situation is tense, nothing comes out with the gas prices and the European Union refuses to see Ukraine in its structure in fact. No one election promise was fulfilled. The mortality rate in Ukraine, in particular, the home of Viktor Yanukovych in the Donetsk region, reached the indicators of the Holodomor - 16 persons per 1000 population (in 1933, here the indicator was 17 persons per 1000). You will do only worse how many do not enter a state of emergency.

The second version about the involvement of supporters of Tymoshenko to explosions is wild at all, because it is absolutely unclear why it was necessary to do the explosions in Dnepropetrovsk, and not in other town, for example, Donetsk and Kiev?

The third version does not withstand any criticism, as it does not meet a simple question: why “bandits” began to blow up the ballot boxes, but did not shoot each other or undermine the jeeps and Mercedeses?

The fourth version is the same as the third, as there are no matches of the championship of Europe in Dnepropetrovsk...

The fifth version seems like the diagnosis.

The sixth version
is of the same level, taking into consideration the close relations between Russia and Ukraine, including the family relations, the inveterate patient in the psychiatric hospital or the ardent nationalist can suppose it...

Meanwhile, there is one circumstance, on which the numerous commentators whether because of the feeble mind, whether because of “modesty” do not pay any attention. And it is in vain...

It is well known that the intelligence services of many foreign countries stood for two Chechen wars in Russia and related terrorist acts. Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Great Britain, the USA, Turkey and some other were involved in it. It is doubtful whether the Chechen separatists could do something without their financial and organizational assistance.
As some data testify, some of these countries put the hand in the bombings in the Minsk metro. The recent events in Zhanaozen, Kazakhstan, couldn’t do without foreign interference according to the testimony of the secret services.

What does all this have to do with Ukraine? And that is: the ardent fanatics of the idea of its “nezalezhnosti”, emitting the cries of “the Russian imperialism», store the fact as the terrible secret that in the period of the union with Russia, Ukraine was an equal part of the Empire! Indeed, it had the access to the boundless natural resources of Siberia, Far East and Central Asia on equal. The economy of Ukraine was one of the most powerful and dynamically developing economies of not only Europe, but also of the world. The citizens of Ukraine took an active part in the management of tsarist Russia and the Soviet Union - Bezborodko, Khrushchev, Brezhnev and many others were the Chancellor of Catherine the Second . Thus, the collapse of the thesis about the oppression of the Ukrainians by the Russians means the failure of the nationalist aggressive minority of three Western regions of Ukraine, which play now disproportionately large role in its political life.

And regardless of who is the President of Ukraine, Kuchma, Yushchenko or Yanukovych, these forces promote the separation of two great Slavic countries in every possible way, but do not forget to request a reduction in the price of gas, at the same time drifting the monuments to the Soviet soldiers and erecting the monuments to executioners and traitors and prohibiting the Red banner of Victory...

Now the situation in Ukraine is such that even those, who one year ago were the supporters of its separation from Russia and the refusal of entry to the Customs and Eurasian Unions, began to see clearly. And all political forces, hindering the process of rapprochement between Ukraine and Russia is in danger of complete collapse in the coming elections to the Verkhovna Rada in 2012.

Many Ukrainian politicians, including the portal “The world and we” expressed the opinion that the surroundings of Viktor Yanukovych not in vain flirts with the nationalist forces, hoping to use them in a moment of crisis. And now, it seems that this moment has come.

Even a rough analysis of the circumstances of the explosions in Dnepropetrovsk allows to make a conclusion that it's truly an organized structure. Judge for yourself, the explosions occurred with a short interval in one street - Karl Marx avenue in the places of the greatest congestion of people. As the Ukrainian special services noted, the explosives of artisan manufacture was applied. That is, there is the fact of laboratory presence. Besides, the terrorists had to organize the undermining of the pledged explosive devices and also safely leave the place of their laying. And all this requires money, a lot of money... What organization can do this?

4 January of this year, there is the following in the article “The members of Bandera in Lugansk, Kiev and Dnepropetrovsk are prepared to force operations (video)” on the Lugansk site Схіd.Info:

On Monday, January 2, the sports and ideological training of the members of “Right Cause” was held in honor of the birth day of Stepan Bandera.

As the press-service of “Right Cause” reports, the training started time in three cities of Lugansk, Dnepropetrovsk and Kiev at the same. The members of the organization have all passed the program disciplines in the planned order: general physical training, hand-to-hand fighting, medical first aid, organization of mass organizational actions (rallies, marches) and lectures on the history of Ukraine, in particular Liberation movement.

The members of the organization paid special attention paid to strengthen the interaction during the direct actions and rendering of the first medical aid. (End of quote)

By the way, the nationalists act very actively in the Dnepropetrovsk: they even study the activities of OUN-UPA in Dnepropetrovsk and have come to the stunning historical discoveries: the facts of tortures and murders of peace inhabitants and prisoners of soldiers of the red Army in the years of the Great Patriotic war weren’t found, as well as did not find the cases of cooperation Bandera with the invaders in Eastern Ukraine...

But some “historian” Pavel Khobot said that from one to four (!?) thousand members of OUN actively fought with the Germans from 1941 to 1943 in Dnepropetrovsk region...

Khobot has told that “Dnepropetrovsk was a key point of the East of Ukraine on the map of OUN. The underground existed in Kharkov, Kiev, Odessa, but if the matter is about the East, it is first of all Dnepropetrovsk. It became the base for field groups, which worked in the whole region. The main task of the OUN members was to form the Ukrainian power on the places, in order to put the Germans in front of a fait accompli. Of course, it was friendly power to the Germans, but independent and Ukrainian...»

Is it interesting? Still would... Dnepropetrovsk, as other Ukrainian cities, was almost completely destroyed, the hundreds thousands of civilians were killed and the OUN, “fighting with the Germans”, created the Ukrainian power, but the friendly armies of occupation… At that time, as other Ukrainians fought on the fronts and worked in the plants evacuated to the East of the USSR...

But thousands of the citizens of Dnepropetrovsk were killed by the Nazis and their accomplices - the members of the OUN in the period of the occupation and after it, when the Dnepropetrovsk doctors and teachers went to the Western Ukraine to assist in its reconstruction. By the way, there is simply not a word in the German archives about the fight of the underground in Eastern Ukraine with the Ukrainian nationalist.

Taking into consideration the number of Bandera underground, as well as the active fighters of SS West-Ukrainian forces in the army of Nazi Germany -- the 14th division of SS “Galicia” and others, we can talk about several tens of thousands or even the hundred thousand of bayonets. Thus, one can speak about the armed struggle of the Ukrainian people of many nationalities, who fought on the side of the USSR against the nationalists- collaborators.

But let’s return to the present days: it is no secret that various non-governmental and non-profit organizations feel fine on the territory of Ukraine. Perhaps, nobody knows how many of them actually, that is really “democratic” Ukrainian legislation...

For example, the Ukrainian Canadian Congress refers to such “offices”. The information that the leadership of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, in the person of Ed Lysik and Orest Varnitsa is the mediator between the nationalist party “Freedom” and its American patrons was in the Ukrainian mass media for many times. The financial support for the activities of the members of “Freedom” from the hands of the Canadian scouts falls into the hands of the leadership of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress. From there it roamed to the accounts of Tyagnibok party not only in Ukraine, but also abroad. The party “nucleuses” of “Freedom” are created not only in the United States and Canada, but also in Portugal, the Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Italy, Great Britain and some other countries. There was a fact that the money was got from the Canadians through the to the needs of the nucleus of “Freedom” in Austria (Vienna). There is an opinion, that the Ukrainian Canadian Congress takes 10-15% from the transferred amount for this kind of service.

And the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) directs the part of the funds received from the U.S. state Department as the grants to the American non-governmental organizations – “International Republican Institute” (IRI) and the National Democratic Institute (NDI). Those, in turn, allocate the money in the form of “donations” of various funds. The recipient is a non-governmental organization and the donor is also a non-governmental, but the source of the money of the Federal budget of the United States of America.

The various funds act in the same way, whose headquarters are located in the United States, Britain and some other countries. They are all behaves very comfortably in Ukraine. It is perhaps prematurely to accuse them of organizing the explosions in Dnepropetrovsk. But...

The Security Services are well aware of the term, which in the translation from English sounds like “the use blindly”. It means that the task is given to the executors through a large chain of intermediaries which they begin to perceive as their own. And such a massive impact with the help of bombings on the civilian population of Dnepropetrovsk is very similar to the handwriting of the OUN: it was not the first time to fight against the old, women and children.

As it was already noted, the current economic and social situation in Ukraine is such that the there is no other way, as to join the Customs Union and then the Eurasian Union. So it is time to use the nationalists to prevent this...

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Viewed : 3182   Commented: 2

Author: Peter Khmelnichenko

Publication date : 30 April 2012 16:25

Source: The world and we
