08 December 2014 17:19 Dmitry Frank: Kazakhstan accurately defined the strategic partner. It is Russia! Vladimir Kuzmenkin 3498 2
15 July 2020 20:05 Dissolution and reformatting of WADA - urgent need Elizabeth MacTavish, Edinburgh 1361 0
10 March 2021 15:30 Disruptions in the supply of Chinese vaccine to Ukraine are not accidental? Timoschuk 1962 0
03 October 2012 17:03 Discrimination of the Russian language in Ukraine is the nationalist idiocy of political swindlers Mikhail Mikhaylov 1111 1
05 April 2021 19:16 DIA veterans urged President Biden not to provoke Russia Hal Terner, medium.com 1250 0
19 December 2014 17:19 Destructive sects are the tool of the western special services Mikhail Mikhaylov 3050 2
04 December 2011 01:00 Democracy in South Ossetia isn't necessary to Georgia! Владимир Кузменкин 3848 3