26 August 2015 21:54 Germany shouldn't be responsible alone for unleashing the Second World War Iogann Lerner, specially for "World and We" 545 3
07 September 2015 01:03 Malaysia «Boeing-777-200» is the evidence of full and final CIA’s degradation Wojciech Komorowski 4341 4
14 October 2015 00:48 Malaysian «Boeing-777-200»: The USA had silly driven themselves into a corner... Argyl Terner, Canada 1947 4
22 October 2015 15:08 Hayk Babukhanyan: It is necessary to be proactive against grantsuckers! Vladimir Kuzmenkin 2873 4
01 August 2017 17:52 The New Russian Sanctions Bill Is Washington’s Monument To Its Criminality Paul Craig Roberts 4156 0
08 August 2017 11:16 Our View: Russian hacking investigations are about US, not Trump Ardzhil Turner 1050 0
22 July 2018 09:57 Constantinople, wake up: don't allow to start a religious massacre on the Dnieper! Father Illarion 1271 0