06 October 2014 01:00 Vladislav Gulevich: when the matter concerns politics tricks Poland closes eyes to everything! Vladimir Kuzmenkin 3410 1
29 October 2012 18:03 Vladislav Kosarev: there are no internal reasons for instability in Kazakhstan Mikhail Mikhaylov 1178 2
08 June 2020 14:20 WADA is a cult designed to destroy sport Centre of Political Forecasting and Analysis, Argyl Terner 1241 0
19 February 2020 11:32 WADA must be denied the right to determine the winners in sport Marc Bouvier, Nice 2297 0
05 March 2015 16:35 War in entire territory of Ukraine is favourable to the USA Mikhail Mikhaylov 3044 0
23 May 2012 16:21 Was the general Dumbadze killed by order of Saakashvili by means of the CIA? Irakly Gogoberidze 3424 2
25 July 2018 17:34 Washington set fire to the Middle East — US supply militants in Syria with American missiles through Ukraine Ivan Malkov, Debaltsevo 2871 0