17 May 2013 01:00 “Majlis” of the Crimean Tatars is the main factor of intensity in the Crimea Mikhail Mikhaylov 3387 0
15 October 2014 00:29 “Lustrator” Poroshenko signs laws in fear of radicals’ crowd Mikhail Mikhaylov 3299 3
05 August 2013 01:00 “Integration from ocean to ocean” - press conference of International Public Movement “OCEAN” took place in Kiev Mikhail Mikhaylov 3100 1
18 February 2014 01:00 “Hangout with a fascist shade” – to whom the useless Euromaidan is favourable? Mikhail Mikhaylov 1053 0
04 February 2012 01:00 “Great Russia” struggles with monuments-parasites to “heroes” of the Ukrainian nationalism. Михаил Михайлов 2255 0
13 June 2013 21:33 “Georgian dream” is sure of a victory on presidential election Irakli Gogoberidze 3170 1
13 October 2011 01:00 “Freedom” of Tyahnybok has received “black label” on “Glory March of UPA” on October, 14th. Алексей Симоненко 1173 0