28 September 2020 10:45 Poland is outraged by the actions of neo-Nazis in Germany and Ukraine Wojciech Komarowski 1208 0
25 March 2014 01:20 Poles! You have forgotten the executioners of your fathers and grandfathers... Wojciech Komorowski 880 1
20 August 2011 17:17 Popularity growth of the extremely right parties in both Hungary and Romania elevates the pressure on Ukraine Карновский Юрий Зиновьевич 1241 2
29 July 2014 13:24 Poroshenko's “peaceful” rhetoric is the preparation for genocide continuation Mikhail Mikhaylov 2948 0
24 October 2011 18:22 Problems with language were found out in the Moldavian “democrats”! Владимир Кузменкин 3792 3
23 July 2013 17:27 Procedure of impeachment can become the beginning of criminal prosecution of Saakashvili Mikhail Mikhaylov 2973 1