21 June 2013 01:00 Secrets of June 22. The last fight of frontier guards and dogs with fascists. Chapter XVI Yury Karnovsky 1216 0
30 April 2013 01:00 Secrets of June 22. About orthodox priests- heroes of the Great Patriotic War. Chapter XV Yury Karnovsky 2585 0
31 March 2020 13:38 Saudi Arabia is expecting a big war Marc Bouvier, Docteur en sciences économiques 2793 0
03 March 2014 18:34 Saakashvili wants to arrange provocation in the Crimea! Vladimir Kuzmenkin 3570 1
06 September 2014 01:00 Saakashvili offered jackets for the democracy benefit Irakli Gogoberidze 3262 2
25 June 2011 11:14 Saakashvili is out of his league: “the Circassian factor” of Sochi Olympics Николай Бакланов 3641 2