18 December 2013 01:00 Nikolay Starikov: “People from all over the world already go to Russia!” Vladimir Kuzmenkin 3637 0
17 December 2013 19:11 Farid Tukhbatullin: “There is still totalitarianism in Turkmenistan” Vladimir Kuzmenkin 3625 0
16 December 2013 15:53 Europe which has lost the mind prepares for war with Russia? Wojciech Komorowski 2288 1
13 December 2013 22:04 Mikhail Formuzal: “Crime is the threat to existence of Moldova!” Vladimir Kuzmenkin 2766 0
12 December 2013 01:00 Governors of Ukraine, with whom are you? With Yanukovych, opposition or the people? Stepan Bulbenko 3442 0
11 December 2013 01:00 Konstantin Parshin: “The outcome of elections was predetermined in Tajikistan” Vladimir Kuzmenkin 1066 0